'It's fine, don't worry.' He hums in response.

'Where are you going since you're out here waiting and wearing makeup?' He questions looking me up and down and then looking around the room.

'Oh I'm going out shopping with Abigail and Lauren later.' I say focusing my attention on my phone.

'Ok cool. Where you off to?' He asks me while pulling the phone screen down so I could look up at him.

This certain movement kind of got me flustered not gonna lie.

'Uhhh... to the shops? Then getting breakfast or else breakfast first, not sure though.' I shrug in response fixing my posture a bit.

He coughs to clear his throat, 'Well uh, I was just wondering if I could come?' he asks with hesitation. Before I could answer he buts in; 'It's okay if you don't want me going!'

'You can come if you want to don't be silly, but ask Lauren or Abigail first.' I chuckle a bit while shaking my head.

'Yeah sure I will.' He's cheeks are tainted a bit red but I brush it off as the heat in the room.

I hear footsteps approaching us and turn my head to see who's coming. 'Hey you read to go?' Lauren asks as she nears me.

'Yep! Ribs was just wondering if he could tag along with us?' I gesture to the guy standing behind me.

Lauren looks over and nods her head, 'Sure he can come, but he has to pay for his own food!' She laughs jokingly. We all laugh along with her.

Abigail comes in soon after. 'Ready to go?' She asks while fixing her shoe.

'Yea, been ready. Ribs is coming with us by the way.' She nods her head and we all start walking towards Lauren's car. We all get inside and im stuck in the back next to ribs.

The car ride goes by fast and soon enough we are at a cafe getting breakfast. We all place our orders and talk about random things.

Our food comes and we devour it. We pay and leave.

We head over to the supermarket and take a trolley. 'Ok Batez. You're coming with me, let's go.' Ribs says grabbing my arm and a different trolley.

'Uhm, ok?' I wave towards the two girls and follow after ribs. We go towards the biscuit isle and he grabs oreos. He drags me around for another 10 minutes before he goes to checkout and pays.

'Whats with all the unnecessary shit?' I ask making a face at him while we walk outside. He shrugs and we go over to absence and wait for the two girls.

We sit down in a peaceful silence. I feel something on my shoulder and look over. Ribcage is leaning on my shoulder. I kinda freak out internally and try calm myself down.

After calming myself down I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I fish it out and see what or who messaged me.

I have a new message from Lauren saying; "yo bat wya w rib?"

I respond saying; "outside waiting on the bench:)" Lauren texts back an okay with a see you soon.

I wait about another 5 minutes and I see her and Abigail come out with bags in their trolley they had.

I try standing up to follow them to the car but something is weighing me down. I try pushing Ribs off my shoulder but he wouldn't budge.

'Ribcage, wake up!!' I shake him and he starts waking up. Since he's taking too long I grab his hand and push the trolley towards the car in a scurry.

I push him into the back of the car and tell him to put on the seatbelt. He grumbles but does what he's told.

I start unloading the trolley and once i'm done I put it back in the trolley bay. I walk back to the car and get in the back waiting for the other two to finish unloading their trolley.

Once they're done they get into the car as well and we're off.

We arrive back at our hotel and take all the bags out of the car. Ribcage won't get up so I practically have to drag him into the place.

I pull him over to his bed and lay him on it. As i'm walking away there's a tug on my wrist and before i know it I get spun around and pulled into something.

I become all flustered realising it's ribcages chest. I try to get up but he grumbles a 'Stay with me.' so i reluctantly stay still.

I feel myself become even more flustered and just bury my head in his chest. He hums in content and wraps his arms around me. I stoffen first but then relax a bit.

I feel him making little circles on my back and his hand rubbing the top of my head. Wow this is very uh soothing? Yep. Anyways.

I feel myself doze off but before I do I feel something kiss my forehead. My face heats up and I ask ribcage; 'Did you just um, kiss my head?' I look at him all flustered.

'Yes I did. Problem?' he flashes me a charming smile. I shake my head no and lay my head down to get comfortable.

I then fall into a light sleep into a nice dream land of whatever I dream...




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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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