Part 9

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(A few years later)

You had gotten skinner and gotten paler you had dark eye bags under your eyes Your hair had gotten longer you dyed it white with black roots

Zero heard a knock on the door and got up opening it you looked to your side only to see mitsuya

You looked at him for a sec before getting up with that same bored expression you have all the time 

"Hey come in" you said referring to mitsuya

You opened the door for him "go sit down on the couch " you said
"Are you okay?" Mitsuya asked you paused

Nothing had been going good in your life at all everything was bad. "Im fine" you said as you sat down infront of mitsuya

"What do you need?" You asked
"Do you want to participate in the fight with Mikey" mitsuya said straight up

You stared at him emotionless "ill think about it" "okay the fight is Today at 2:00 pm please think about it" he said giving you box with tomans uniform

You stared at it for a second before placing it on the table and with that mitsuya left

"What was that about" zero asked "they want me and you to participate in the fight with mickey mouse should we?" You grinned as your eyes sparkled

"YESSS but im not wearing that shit" zero said looking disgusted with the uniform

"Yeah I know who wears this shit" you huffed izuma came out the room "whats happening?" She asked

"Were gonna be participating in the Mikey vs Takemichy fight" zero said

"You can't come" you said as you closed the box and put it in your room

"What why??" Izuma ran up "maybe because you're a fucking demon and everyone thinks your dead?" You said

She stared at you as her eyes teared up "Its not my fault im like this i didn't want to be a demon" she whispered

You stared at her before embracing her into a hug "sorry I got mad" you huffed

She looked up at you before sniffling and hugging you back "meow" tiger came clawing at your leg scolding you

You rolled your eyes and watched as izuma broke the hug and walk away you sighed

"At least she has control of that demon" you said to tiger

Tiger licked his paws before kicking you in the face You threw him at the couch

"BOY" you yelled as you glared at tiger zero came out wearing tomans uniform

"I thought you weren't gonna wear that" you grinned "shut up it shows my muscles go wear it" he said

You walked to your room and took the uniform out of the box

You sighed before wearing it and looking yourself in the mirror

You didn't look that bad it was tight it showed your curves you gulped you turned to your side and looked at the mirror

It made your ass thicker 'that piece of shit i now he did this on purpose trying to distract Mikey that Dickkwart' you thought referring to mitsuya

You sighed before taking off the jacket you took off your bra and got some

Izuma came in with some white guaze bandage roll "hold your tits" she said you did as said she started at my stomach and to my chest

You looked in the box and saw a address on a piece of paper you held tight onto it

You sighed and looked at her "thanks" you said she nodded and gave you your jacket

And with that you and zero went off

You checked the time and saw it was 2:57 "fuck were gonna be late" you huffed

*Nobody's pov*

Everyone heard a loud motorcycle mitsuya smiled knowing she had finally came as Y/n came into the entry staring at all the people on the floor with a lollipop in her mouth "Ya'll look weak as hell bruh..? Get the fuck up punk" y/n shook her head disgusted as she gently kicked hakkai seeing mikey she smiled and walked towards him happily as zero took care of the other guys easily ending them "heyyyyyyyyyy mickey mouse long time no see" y/n snickered going to hug Mikey frowning when mikey raised his hand to punch her y/n dodged the punch and sighed annoyed as she took her lollipop out and threw it on the floor before running up and slamming her fist into mikeys face causing him to stumbled as she kicked him hard into his chest causing him to go flying back she didn't stop as she ran after him and grabbed his collar slamming him onto the floor whimpering when mikey punched her in the chest causing her to yelp in pain she bit her lip as she got up not to mention she had gotten stabbed a few days earlier cursing under her breath now mikey knew her soft spot "Y/n.." mikey whispered as everybody stopped in theirs tracks and stared at the fight "If you value your life leave." Mikey muttered "HAHA YOU WISH" y/n laughed as she tried her best not to murder the other right here right now once she calmed down she walked towards the other dodging mikeys punches as she wrestled him to the floor once he was on the floor she quickly got onto his lap holding his hands down as she punched him over and over again..

(So I haven't posted for a whileeeee and shit but anyways js known i aint dead or nun I js haven't felt the best so I needed more time for myself 😝 but im backkkkkk idk if I got anything wrong but pls correct me if I did)

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