Playing with Fire ~ Part I of the Fire Series

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In which the Skywalkers and galaxy at large very narrowly dodge the bullet that is Darth Vader.

The beginning of the Fire series

(The episode on Bespin did not happen)

Trigger warning for suicide

Luna wished she could be surprised at the army that was marching up to the doorstep of the Jedi Temple. Wished she didn't know who was leading them.

Wished it could all just stop.

What are you even doing here, Luna? You know you won't be able to change a thing. Obi-Wan, Padmé, Ahsoka....they couldn't.

How could you? You aren't Luke.

The girl didn't want to be standing, waiting for the inevitable, but she had promised she'd wait for Anakin to come back. Maybe if she thought more with her mind and less with her heart, the teen would be long gone.

As if that would make much of a difference. Vader would catch up eventually. Would kill her eventually if he was feeling merciful, but that was unlikely too.

So Plan B would likely happen sooner rather than later.

Maybe that would make him wake up to reality? Doubtful. And even if he took it as a bad omen, he'd still move forward in his desperation.

What could Luna do right now to bring Anakin back? Was there anything?

The girl moved forward out of the shadows of the entrance, taking her lightsaber off her belt. She could make out Vader's figure now, cloaked in black as he called the army to a halt, noticing her presence for the first time.

As she had predicted. The teen had cut herself from the Force for the time being. But now he'd seen her. He'd probably kill her or let the clones do it.

If she were to die right now, so be it. Let her fall with the Order.

She got too close to the flames. Might as well let it burn her.

But Luna had to do something. Try one last time.

What can I do that no one else can?

...We could show him his Path, a hesitant voice suggested.

No! That's crazy! We'd be giving him— another quickly responded before getting cut off.

Only 'till the end of Episode III.... If that doesn't reach him, nothing will.

But if it doesn't....Obi-Wan.

We can just show the end of the duel. And the part with Padmé. And the suit.

And what if he wrenches more from us?! The Sith are never stated. He will want more.

....We have a lightsaber, a third voice spoke again. He'd be too unsteady from the revelation to stop us.

It would scare him, a fourth argued.

No more than anything else. Besides, we aren't important. Never have been.

There's no way it will work though. Wouldn't he have realized what was happening when Palaptine named him Vader? the second voice asked.

It may keep him out of the suit if he plays his cards right. Possible survival after VI, the first commented.

Luna thumbed the activation switch on the hilt of the lightsaber in her hand though didn't press down, still at odds with the option, trying to see what may come about if things went the predictable way: south. If she allowed only fragments of images, a handful of dialogue, there wouldn't be much for Vader to go on, nothing more than her emotions at least.

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