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In which a certain Sith apprentice regains past knowledge far sooner than would be recommended.

There was something to be said for it, waking up at an alarm and not realizing where you were. The dream, well you'd pass it off as one, mixed with memories to form something equally wonderful and devastating and leaving you to wonder what reality really was—and hoping that as wonderful as the fantasy had been at some point, that the terror inducing ending was nothing more than a nightmare and therefore everything else had been equally unreal.

Until you analyze the room: glass window tinted darker to encourage continued rest but still glowing with morning light; the well defined metal walls, all a uniform dark grey with everything else bordering on black; doors, that lead to her closet and bathroom respectively, open—gaping mouths of darkness—while the one leading to the outer chamber was closed and located only due to its glowing keylock; the mattress soft and clearly expensive; black sheets like silk; the alarm on the bedside annoyingly loud.

Luna turned that off first, temporarily stunning herself with the knowledge that she knew how to operate said alarm before her mind skipped over to her hand.

Her hand....there was something different, something off about it, though it was hard to pinpoint anything with the limited light. She'd fix that first.

The girl pulled back the covers and left their silky warmth, stumbling in surprise as the floor seemed to be closer to her feet now, moving to the window, wanting to let the morning light in and see what lay on the other side. Her hand moved instinctively towards a control panel, but before it was even in reach, the tint deactivated automatically, as though it had read her mind.

Luna froze, stunned into a statue-like shock as she looked outside. It was Coruscant—she'd recognize the planet anywhere.

But that wasn't.... Had she? If so, hadn't she....

She spun around, eyes racing over the room, recognizing that the detector matched the galaxy and a future time period of what she last recalled, even as she pulled on her memories, trying to remember what had happened before she had gone to sleep—it took longer than it should have to remember.

To remember what had happened before she went to bed the night before, though it felt like over a decade ago. She would have considered it a dream as well, if the room didn't match that set of memories—a year and half's worth of them.

Just to double check, she pulled down the sleeves of her nightclothes, revealing the finally healed though prominent scares. Purposeful and even and just about perfectly spaced and horizontal as well.

Proof everything she'd just remembered was real. Had happened.

"Oh God...."


There was something off about Vader's apprentice, though he couldn't necessarily tell anyone what it was. She was her usual silent self, following in his shadow like a trained pet as he did last second checks and preparations to ensure everything was ready for the Devastator's coming voyage—he didn't like being on Coruscant any longer than necessary when Luna was added into the mix and was more than ready to take to the stars, but all the same wasn't willing to streamline the process by letting officers handle certain details that may land the ship in a repair yard earlier than necessary. It had happened before.

He missed clones.

Back to his apprentice.

Luna had been off ever since early morning when he'd collected her. It was like the time she had been ill but had tried to bluff her way passed him, except subtler....she didn't seem sick. Tired perhaps.

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