The sharp-eyed one had already seen the crack on the bone, and could not help but exclaimed, "My God, the patriarch!"

  Banxia looked over with her toes on her toes, and saw that the cracks in the shòu bones were even bigger than a few days ago!

  On the side, Wu Mo Jian Ban Xia stood unsteadily on her toes, and she picked her up gently. Banxia saw that Muwa was next to her, and Muwa was an unmarried girl, so she would inevitably feel embarrassed. In the end, Banxia had no choice but to gently squeeze the muscle on his chest, and then he obediently put her down.

  Everyone knew that this shòu bone cracked, either because the famous family was in great trouble, or the patriarch would die soon. No matter which one, it was a bolt from the blue for the famous family. Some people in the scene were sad, some were crying, and some people couldn't believe it.

  The patriarch smiled sadly and looked at the patriarchs: "You must remember that no matter what disaster happens, it will be a test given to us by the supreme sword spirit and the great slave of the land. We must work together to deal with it."

  At this time, I saw Mu Yang standing up and said respectfully and loudly: "Patriarch, how do you want us to respond, even if you are instructed, even if we die, we must protect the safety of the entire clan." As soon as Mu Yang said this, the rest of the of young people responded. Everyone knows that Mu Yang is likely to be the next patriarch, so he is extremely obedient to him.

  The patriarch nodded with satisfaction: "Actually, the disaster has not yet come, and we don't have to panic, but we must do something to prevent it from happening."

  After saying this, the patriarch began to announce his thoughts: "The temple is where our ancestors' heroic spirits are located, and must not be defiled by outsiders, so from tomorrow night, all males in the clan, who are more than fifteen and less than fifty, will be To start guarding our temple."

  Everyone responded, and the young boys all stepped forward, clasped their fists and knelt in front of the patriarch, shouting: "Let the patriarch order."

  The next scene was a bit chaotic. Fei called all the men between the ages of fifteen and fifty to the side to discuss it, and the rest of the old and young and the women went home first.

  Wu Mo looked back at Ban Xia, and there was a bit of hesitation in his cold eyes.

  Banxia gently pushed him: "You are already a member of the famous family, you must go, guarding the temple is the most important thing for the famous family."

  Wu Mo looked around and said, "Then you wait for me here first, and when I come back, we will go home together." He took off his leather jacket and wrapped it in Banxia.

  Banxia knew that Wumo was worried that she would go home alone, but in fact, how could she be so vulnerable, she immediately said: "I haven't talked to Muwa for a long time, why don't you find Muwa to go home and play with me, you don't have to worry about it? ."

  Mu Wa carefully looked at Wu Mo, then nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, I originally said that I was going to talk to Banxia."

  Seeing this, Wu Mo was relieved and nodded: "Then go back, be careful on the road."

  Chapter 17

  Seeing this, Wu Mo was relieved and nodded: "Then go back, be careful on the road."

  At this moment, I suddenly heard someone calling Banxia's name, and turned to look, but it was Yingchūn and Honeysuckle. Ren Dong's face was full of chūn wind, and he stepped forward and took Ban Xia's hand: "Sister, I haven't seen you for several days."

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