After doing this, she looked around the hut, and saw whole deerskins and tigerskins hanging on the wall, as well as spears, axes, bows and arrows - the famous people did not make iron tools themselves, so they used spears, bows and arrows, etc. Things are extremely scarce, and the few guys in the clan have been handed down from a long time ago. Therefore, relatively speaking, Wu Mo's family has a lot of private possessions. Pinellia looked at the house again. In fact, apart from the rare ironware, the furnishings in the house were very simple, with two stone benches and a stone table. This house is no different from the thatched huts of most prominent people. The only difference may be that this hut without the end does not enshrine the sword spirits and land slaves that every prominent family must have.

  Banxia thought in her heart, she had to let Wu Mo hang up when she turned back. Primitive worship is a kind of sprouting that can reunite the people of the tribe at the same time. If Wumo despised the majesty of the temple, it is destined that he will never be able to integrate into the famous people.

  No matter where she came from, no matter how he grew up, the blood of the famous family flows in their blood, and it is impossible for them to leave this mountain, this land, this village in this lifetime.

  Banxia was thinking when Wumo came in, carrying a basket in her hand, which was steaming hot.

  The tall and mighty Wumo felt a little embarrassed when he saw his petite bride: "Panxia...Are you hungry?"

  Banxia tilted her head and glanced at Wumo, and finally pursed her lips and smiled: "Of course I'm hungry, I'll go wash it first, and come back to eat right away."

  Wu Mo nodded again and again.

  Pinellia walked out of the hut, washed his hands and face with the icy stream beside him, and picked up a piece of blue mugwort and chewed it carefully to clear his mouth. Going back to the house, Wu Mo has set aside the food. When Banxia looked at it, she was a little surprised.

  On the stone table, there are monkey fruits with dewdrops, corn cakes, wild rapeseed porridge, and small pieces of wax ròu. This is really a luxurious breakfast for the famous family who have been extremely economical for thousands of years. In fact, most of the famous people do not eat breakfast, they will go hunting in the mountains or work in the fields before dawn, and they will not go home to eat until they are busy.

  Banxia smiled and sat down side by side with Wumo, Wumo handed her bamboo chopsticks, and the two of them ate together.

  Pinellia first praised the taste of the ròu was good, and the wild rapeseed porridge was cooked very well, which caused a smile to appear on Wu Mo's lips.

  "If you like it, we'll eat this every day from now on." Wu Mo looked at his bride with a doting that he didn't even know he knew in his eyes.

  Banxia shook her head: "It's good to eat a few times every now and then. It's too expensive to eat every day." She wanted to take the opportunity to talk to Wumo about the future of the two of them.

  "Although you can go hunting in the mountains every day now, what if you get sick? In the future, we will have a baby, and the consumption will be more. At that time, you must hunt more prey to make a living. If the weather is bad, you will There's nothing to gain?" Banxia said while putting a monkey fruit into her mouth.

  Wu Mo had never heard anyone say this, Ningmei listened carefully.

  Pinellia swallowed the monkey fruit and continued to preach the scriptures: "There is a saying that the mouse still saves three points of food, the head of the grain is not frugal, and the tail of the grain is called rice. If you have three points now, you will eat three points, and you will inevitably worry in the future."

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