Prologue 11: A Hundred Broken Windows!

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"If you're over it, just get it done." Kira muttered, trying hard not to snap at him. None of them would be punished at all if Grim had only just behaved. However, it was their fault that he acted out in the first place, as much as they hated to admit it.

They did promise that they would keep an eye on him, but they failed to do such a simple task. No way they would let it happen a second time. "That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm ticked off!" Grim said as he sat down with his paws crossed.

 Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm ticked off!" Grim said as he sat down with his paws crossed

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Aria sat by him and patted his back. "Hey now, it'll be okay. I'm sure he's on his way here." she said, trying to calm him down. And so, they waited. They waited for about five minutes, but Ace didn't show up.

"He's probably being held back by a teacher." Alice said. Then ten minutes passed. Ace still didn't come. "Um, m-maybe he's caught up on something?" Aria asked. Fifteen minutes passed by. Ace was still a no-show and Grim's patience had finally snapped.

"I don't care what happened, he's taking way too long!!" he shouted angrily. He then blinked in confusion before he realized something, the tone in his voice still angry. "Wait, don't tell me he bailed out on us!" he snapped.

Kira also grew angry at that thought. "That rat! If he really ditched out on us, I swear I'm gonna rip his guts out once I find him!" she snarled, her carnelian red eyes blazing with fury as she cracked her knuckles. "How dare he do this to us?!" Alice and Aria both patted her shoulders, trying to console her.

"N-Now, wait a minute, let's not jump to any false conclusions. Wh-Why don't we try and find him first?" Aria asked. That may sound like wishful thinking, but the Headmaster can be pretty scary. And knowing that he was expecting all six of them, there was no way Ace would be bold enough to skip out on his punishment.

"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us!" Grim shouted as he started to leave. "Let's go, henchmen! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing!"

"I don't think that sounds very fa—" Alice started to say before Kira cut her off.  "Hey, stop calling us that! We're not your henchman, tuna breath!" she yelled as she started to follow him. "...H-H-Hey, wait! Grim, wait for us!" Alice called out.

The four girls quickly chased after the cat gremlin as he stormed through the halls in search for the terracotta-haired teen, trying not to make eye contact with the few students that passed by them.

The four girls quickly chased after the cat gremlin as he stormed through the halls in search for the terracotta-haired teen, trying not to make eye contact with the few students that passed by them

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