The Outpost Hovering Above The Coral

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Within the skies above the masses of fungus, a huge golden wyvern could be seen. Its beautiful golden scales sparkle in the light of the sun. And on that glorious creatures back were what looked to be 6 silhouettes, 4 looked to be laying down, while the other 2 could be seen sitting on the creatures back. 

On the wyverns back, Vector could be seen being stared at by a woman in golden armor, with a gaze that could petrify the average joe in fear. The woman in question staring at him was his sister, Victoria. She could be seen sighing, before looking back at Vector.

"Little bro, what have I told you about running out of the outpost? You know you aren't high enough ranked for solo hunting! The rules are there for a reason!" After this statement, she quickly and mercilessly knocks him across the head, nearly sending him off the wyvern. Vector doesn't say anything back, and instead just rubs his head in silence, hoping for this rant to end soon.

"And another thing! Where did you even find this woman?! She has no identification on her, except for this weird see through glass thing." Victoria could be seen taking out what looks to be a scroll, and looking it over, but finds nothing and puts it back up.

Vector looks at his angry sibling. "I told you sis, I found her being chased by an anjanath, and decided to help before she became monster-chow." He states this in a quiet voice, and following this his sister just sighs in defeat.

"I have no idea what went through your head thinking you could handle an anja, you don't even have a palico yet! You aren't ready for the field, you should have stayed in the outpost." While she begins another rant towards her poor sibling, the wyvern below then lets out a quick roar, which catches Victoria's attention. 

She pulls out a telescope from somewhere on her armor, and looks ahead of them. Sighing, she puts away the telescope, and looks back at her brother. 

"Well forget it, we are almost back to the outpost. Once we get there, you can tell your story to the captain. You better hope he doesn't punish you, you were supposed to get your palico next week." 

Vector's eyes could be seen lighting up a bit, before quickly going back to normal. As he looks at the structure they are approaching, he looks back at their fellow passengers. "Hey sis I forgot to ask." Victoria looks back at him.

"Why do you have 3 unconscious people with you?" He looks at his fellow passengers, a huge boar like man, a woman with scales, and a normal man.

"Oh these guys? I found them falling from some weird flying box after being attacked by a Bazel." At the mention of the monster behind the attack she shudders a bit. So does Vector.

"A Bazel? That's nasty business, how are they even alive?" Victoria shrugs her shoulders. "No clue, I guess that weird box must have protected them from the monster a bit. But they have been unconscious ever since I found them, would have taken them back to base if not for a certain someone." She glares at her brother, who looks away in slight shame.

As they continue their small talk, the wyvern quickly approaches their destination. What looks to be a huge wooden ship, hovering slightly above the mountain it is anchored to. The ship is held up by 4 huge air balloons. As the wyvern got closer, on the deck of the ship, a mountain of a man could be seen standing there waiting. He stood around 8'7", and had what looked to be black ssj3 hair down to the end of his back. He also had the elfish ears that both Victoria and Vector had.

When the wyvern finally landed, the man walked towards the creature, looking towards its passengers. 

"Victoria! You care to explain why you're way past curfew? And you Vector! Don't think I didn't notice you, I want you in my office!" Victoria could be seen sighing, before jumping off the wyvern with a thump. And Vector could be seen grimacing before walking towards the door in the distance, not before patting the wyvern on the leg of course.

"Captain!" Victoria saluted the huge man, before continuing her report. "On my way back Captain, I noticed a strange flying black box being attacked by a Bazel!" 

The Captain looked at with a questioning look. "You tellin me you attacked a Bazel, to save" Victoria quickly shook her head. "No sir! I found 3 humans falling from the black box. I quickly saved them, before locating the runaway Vector and returning!" 

The Captain looked at her like she was crazy. " You said you found humans?! I though humans were a myth." The Captain quickly walked towards the wyvern, and after petting the side of its head a bit, looked towards the 4 unconscious people on its back. After looking them over, he looked back at Victoria in confusion. 

"I thought you said you found 3 humans. I see 2 humans and 2......animal like humans." Victoria quickly stepped forward. "Well Captain, I found these 3 here, and that one was found by Vector being attacked by an Anjanath, a Fulgur to be specific."

The Captain rubbed his cleanly shaven chin, as if he had a beard. After a few seconds he looked back at Victoria. "Alright, well we have to report back to the village soon. We shall present these humans, and weird humans, to the elders."

Victoria looked confused. "Wait, we are returning to the village? But this was supposed to be a 6 month expedition." The Captain looked back at the confused Victoria, before looking excited. 

"Well if you really want to know, I heard that the Lord of the Forest has awoken, and the great red festival is starting soon. The elders have ordered all of us in the field to return." He quickly drops this bomb, before resuming his grumpy face, and marching towards his office. Mostly to give the rant of a lifetime to poor Vector. 

However Victoria could be seen extremely shocked, with the wyvern behind her looking at her quivering frame confused. And not even a second later, a loud cheer could be heard around the entire ship.

AN: Hey guys, back with another chapter drop. All this heat has been killin me, and ngl i miss winter already lol. Please enjoy the chapter, and feel free to comment! :) 

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