Showdown With The Thunderous Beast!

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In the now open floor plan of a cavern, there is a old fashion Vacuo showdown between Vector/Summer, and a huge t-rex like creature. Vector slowly backs Summer and himself up, towards one of the tunnels leading deeper in the system of caverns and caves.

"A Fulgur Anja. This isn't good." Vector whispers these words quietly, however Summer picks them up and looks at him worried.

"You know what this thing is? How dangerous is it?" Vector doesn't break eye contact with the Anja, as he knows it will attack instantly. "This is a Fulgur Anjanath, an extremely dangerous brute wyvern. If we make any mistakes we wont leave here alive."

Summer looks at him like he is crazy. "You only saying this now?! How are we supposed to get out of this?!" Summer can be seen panicking a bit, as she is not only weaponless, but this monster seems to be focusing on her, and its eyes look, hungry.

Vector slowly continues to back them up. "Don't worry, look up" When Summer looks up, she sees there's a hole in the roof of the ceiling a little further behind them. "If we can back up under that hole, I can fire a flare to signal the rest of my squad for help.

Summer processes this new information, before looking back at Vector. "You're telling me you had backup and only now you want to call them?! Why didn't you call them earlier!" Vectors elfish ears could be seen getting a little red. "That's none of your business. Right now we need to focus on keeping eye contact, and slowly backing towards the hole." 

However his plan quickly fails, as the Anjanath finally grows tired of the stalemate, quickly charges at them. Its thunderous footsteps, paired with the crackling of lightning on its pelt, quickly forces the two to scatter. Within seconds of their separation, the jaws of the Anja snap shut, with a loud boom.

Vector quickly gathers his bearings, throws a slingshot with what looks to be a spiky ball already loaded. "Summer! Go fire the flare quickly! Ill hold it off!" Unsheathing his sword and readying his shield, he quickly bashes his sword on his shield like a taunt. This quickly gets the Anjas attention, and it bull rushes Vector.

While this is happening, Summer quickly catches the slingshot, and straps it to her left arm. Then she quickly bursts into a sprint with her semblance, rushing towards the opening in the roof.

Meanwhile, Vector is throwing down with the Anja, mostly dodging the monsters devastating bites and stomps. After the Anja attempts to shoulder bash him into the wall, he quickly does a type of backstep hop, lowering his body and holding his blade back, with his weapons glowing a bright red. Once the monster collides with the wall it staggers back, and Vector quickly breaks into a sprint, followed by a jumping downward slash that connects with the Anja's leg. Keeping up the flow, he quickly does an upward slash, that propels him into the air above the monster, and then he uses his downward momentum to stab down towards the monsters back, successfully mounting the creature.

Summer in all the chaos finally reaches the opening, and fires the flare upwards. As the flare travels, it leaves behind a red trail, before exploding in the sky in a bright red glare.

In the distance, a shadowy figure can be seen on some type of creature, and notices the bright red light. They quickly turn their mount around and rush towards the flares location.

Back in the cavern, Vector can be seen mounted on top of the Anja, holding on for dear life, while stabbing its back with a knife. The Anja continuously tries to remove its rider, sometimes slamming its back on the wall, however Vector would keep jumping quickly between different parts of the monsters back, like its tail, or its face. After one mean shoulder slam, Vector jumps to the monsters face, and stares it in the eye, before jamming his knife into that same eye, sending the monster reeling in pain and anger.

Soon after, the monsters pelt starts to crackle and spark, and the Anja unleashes a huge roar of rage, fully electrifying its pelt, and sending Vector flying into a wall. He soon connects with the wall, and crumples into a heap on the ground, coughing up a bit of blood while trying to catch his breath.

The Anja, with its eyes now a pure red of bloodlust, quickly rotates its head to locate Vector with its one remaining eye, and one it located him, it quickly bull rushes him, jaws agape. Seeing this, Summer, in a moment of bravery, and stupidity, rushes the monster, jumping and grabbing on to the knife still stuck in its eye. She removes the knife, before continuously stabbing it in the now destroyed eye rapidly, keeping its attention off Vector till he can recover.

However she doesn't last long on the monster, before she is thrown back towards the hole in the ceiling, rolling across the ground from the force of the throw. As she gets her bearings, she quickly looks in the direction of the Anja, and its looking at her with its remaining eye. The eye is glowing bright red with rage, and soon the Anja turns towards her, and slowly begins to rush in her direction.

Summer attempts to get up, however when she was thrown, the force of her connecting with the hard stone ground twisted her ankle, and her aura hasn't started to heal it yet. So she fails to get out of the way.

As she is staring down the gaping jaws of the Anja, by the grace of her luck, a loud thump noise comes from behind her, and soon a huge fireball comes barreling in, connecting with the Anja out of nowhere, knocking it out of its rush and to the ground. Summer stares at the creature, before turning around to see her savior. 

To her initial horror, its another monster, a huge golden wyvern looking creature. While it isn't as huge as the Anja, its mere presence demands attention, as the scales glitter in the light coming from the hole in the ceiling. Before Summer can think of trying to get away, the wyvern slightly lowers its body, and from the back of the creature, a woman in what looked to be golden armor steps down. The armor, golden like the creature, shines in the light, and on the woman's back is what looks like a huge shield, with a sword sticking out, both also golden. The armor looks shaped like a dress, and along side the woman, a small looking creature, also in pure golden armor steps forward.

The woman looks around, and sees Vector leaning on the wall. She quickly hands a green bottle to the smaller creature, who quickly runs over to Vector, and apon reaching him, force feeds him the substance in the bottle.

To Summers surprise, after drinking the green substance, Vector quickly gathers his bearings and stands up. He looks around, then after petting the smaller creature, he notices Summer, and the woman standing before her.

His face quickly flickers between surprise, and slight fear, before he walks up the the woman sheepishly. "Hello......sis"

With these words, Summers brain can no longer handle everything going on around her, and she passes out.

AN: Hey guys! Sorry about the delay, alot came up, and this chapter had actually been ready 5 days ago, but i decided to rework it a bit, so it comes out a bit better. Let me know what you think!

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