The Meeting and an Angry Boi

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During the whole fiasco going on in the skies, within the forest below, a woman can be seen dashing through the trees. 

Unfortunately it wasn't much of a morning jog, nor was it just her looking around. As she ran in between trees and huge roots, heavy footsteps could be heard trailing behind her.

The woman kept running, at speeds no normal human could run at, yet the unidentified creature could still be heard behind her, even gaining on her position.

Who knows what could be going through her head right now.......oh yeah, we could check in.

"Why does these things always happen to me?!" Running as fast as she could, the woman was pushing her semblance to the limit, and every few steps, she would have a quick burst of speed. 

"First I run into some huge red creature, now I'm getting through a forest by another monster! How did I even end up here!?" Screaming to herself in anger and frustration, the woman kept boosting, and after a few more minutes, appeared to enter an area covered in what looked like glowing blue.....fungus? The sky has changed from the somewhat dim lighting of a forest interior, to that of a blue glare, over what looks like an area covered in mushrooms.

Somewhat marveling the view, the woman slows her pace, before hearing the roar of her pursuer. Now remembering what she was doing, she dashed into the new area, jumping over small streams and rushing past what looked to be small chameleon looking creatures. Said creatures quickly scattered as the pursuer chasing the woman passed by.

However, the woman finally starting running low on stamina, and her pace slowed significantly, giving the one chasing time to finally catch up. In desperation, she jumped into a nearby crevice in the wall near her, and not even a moment later, a huge mouth of teeth snapped down at her previous location.

The woman stared at what would have been her demise in shock, and before making a sound, a huge hand covered her mouth. Before she could recoil and attack the one who did such a thing, she could hear a whispered voice in her ear. "Shhhhhhh" 

Being the only non-hostile contact she has had so far, she decided to trust the voice, and she continued to stare at the jaws of her pursuer, still sniffing around her previous location. After what seemed to be eternity, the creature finally lifted its head, and stomped off, leaving the location.

The hand covering her mouth was slowly retracted, and the woman heard her 'savoir' start to speak. "Follow". So she slowly turned around, and saw the backside of her helper crawling further into the crevice. So to avoid being left behind, she began to follow, somewhat speed crawling to keep up.

In silence the pair continued to crawl further, before finally the woman could see some more light in the path ahead, signaling an exit. Soon her helper crawled out, and she followed. Now thinking shes in a safe location, she quickly began to speak with her 'savior'.

"Look I don't know who you are, or where I am, but I wasn't raised to be ungrateful. But I will still like to ask, where am I, and who are you?" For a moment after she spoke, she stared at the back of the man in front of her. He looked to be taller than 6', with long black hair, and he was wearing what looked like monster scales, mixed with metal. And on his arms, was a small shield, and a sword was at his waist. 

After a moment of silence, the man turned around to face her, and the woman was somewhat shocked. The man was wearing what looked to be a ninja outfit, with a full face mask, with a red X in the middle of his forehead. And she could barely see what looked to be long elf-like ears on the side of his head. While she was admiring the mans drip, he slowly raised his hand to where his mouth would be, and coughed.

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