MidAir Crisis: Ft. The B52 Bomber

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"Damnit Rice! Stop trying to run you moron!"

Currently on the bullhead on a suicide mission, Liza, Boss, and Rice are all going through their midlife crisis, especially Rice, who is currently trying to open the hatch to jump out of the vehicle, with little success as Liza is holding him back from the switch.


However during all of this, the creature outside isn't holding back, and is bombarding the aircraft with a variety of attacks. Such as, explosions, explosions, loud roars, oh and did i mention explosions?

In the cockpit, the Boss was trying his hardest to shake the creature off the bullhead, with this creature being even bigger and heavier than a giant nevermore, it was proving extremely difficult. That and they lost one of their engines.

"Liza! Rice! You two get the parachutes ready! We gotta bail!"

Liza and Rice stopped wrestling for the ramp switch, and looked towards the cockpit in confusion.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BAIL?! BOSS DO YOU KNOW HOW HIGH WE ARE RIGHT NOW?!" Rice was screaming at the top of his lungs in fear, and Liza was just as confused.

"Boss with that thing outside I don't think parachuting down will work. We need a way to distract it." Liza, while slightly panicking, tried to reason with the Boss before they jumped out to certain doom.

While thinking on what Liza said, the Boss finally had a realization. 

"Liza! Throw out the food! That might be why it is attacking us!" Hearing his words, Liza rushed towards the food locker, and grabbed their bag of rations, however not without a certain someone rushing to defend it.

"LIZA WAIT! WE NEED THAT FOOD!" Rice could be seen holding on to Liza's ankle out of desperation, trying to hold her from reaching the ramp and throwing out their only food.

"Damnit! Let go fat ass, our lives are more important than some food!" Liza tried to shake his grip, but he held fast, yelling out like a madman something about limited time oreos and such.

"For fucks sake Rice, let go you fat bastard before I feed you to it!" The Boss had left the cockpit, and dragged Rice off of Liza's ankles, and during that time, Liza quickly opened the hatch, and threw out the food.

"Alright boss lets hope that creature takes the bait!" Liza dusted off her hands as if she just completed a task. The Boss however just looked at her direction.

"What's wrong Boss?" Liza was confused until she realized she no longer heard Rice complaining either, and he was also looking towards her. Then it clicked, and she realized they weren't looking at her, but was looking at something behind her. Slowly she turned around, and then she saw it. A huge orange eye was staring directly at them, and all she could see in its eyes were pure malice. As the eye slowly moved away, she could see the jaw full of extremely sharp teeth, and scales that protruded from its chin, lightly glowing.

Soon the jaws were aligned with the ramp, clamping it open, before ripping it off the vehicle. And soon the 3 were staring down its jaws face first, as a orangish-yellow light was beginning to form in its mouth. However before they were wiped off the face of the planet, they heard another roar, this time while not as striking as the first creatures, it had more elegance behind it. 

And not long after, a huge golden shadow could be seen very briefly ramming into the first monster, and both could be seen falling towards the ground, fighting.

In the aftermath, the bullhead could be seen falling towards the ground, exploding on contact, and not long after, 3 people in parachutes could be seen, gliding towards the ground, unconscious, all 3 with damp trousers.

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