The Unexpected Foe

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AN: Same as last time guys, I've come to like this style, though please tell me if you don't enjoy it.

A Person monologuing





Hello, Rice here, Its been I believe an hour since we have entered the airspace of the dark continent, and I think its too quiet. Ever since I was a young boy, I've heard stories of this place. Of ships vanishing in the sea near it, of bullheads going missing when they go near. However, I never expected it to be so foggy here. We can barely see anything ahead of us, and the worst thing is, we haven't see a single grimm since entering.

Normally when there's foggy conditions, you can normally orientate yourself using the cries of nevermores in their dens, or easily hear them coming, but this time I hear nothing, pure silence. The irony here is you would think it would be great to not hear anything, but its eerie, and It feels like something is very wrong here. 

I tried to bring this up to Boss and Liza, but they thought I was just being nervous again. I guess I have to involve my semblance again. If you didn't know, my semblance is called Fatal Sense, It allows me to get a feeling if something that might kill me will happen. I still barely understand it, since sometimes it goes off randomly, like on a banana peel left on the ground, or in somewhat dark alleys I used to lurk in when I was a child. Its partly the reason I'm always so nervous. But when I tell Boss that its going off, he will normally believe me, I just hope he does this time. 

But suddenly, Liza stands up and looks out the window. "Hey Boss! Do you see that!" She was pointing directly in the flight path the bullhead. The Boss quickly checked the radar, and he finally noticed the notification alarm was muted, so he unmuted it. And all of a sudden, alarms begin blaring. 

"Shit! Everyone hold on, we got a large creature rushing towards us!" Rice quickly stood from his seat. "Is it a nevermore Boss?" The Boss's face became extremely grim. "No, something much larger."

Then a extremely loud roar of a unidentified creature pieced through the hull of the bullhead, and it gave away the creatures agenda. It wanted them.

10 Minutes before the attack on the bull head, Val could be seen following it from a safe distance behind it. When Safi told him to attack, he rocketed off, but as he approached, he remembered that they were dealing with humans. And humans are extremely crafty, even more so than the wyverians we share the island with.

'I must go about this with great caution. Humans were always crafty, who knows if they already know I'm here yet. But I must act quickly, before someone takes my kill.' He then speeded up, quickly approaching the aircraft, when all of a sudden he heard the roar of that said someone.

"Damnit! I took too long, that dang explosive nutcase got to them first. I really need to talk with Teo about his stupid pack. Like what kind of name is Explosion Lovers? It sounds so ridiculous! Like why couldn't he use something with class? Like Super Omega Big Boom Boom Mark 4 Squad. Now that's a name! Well I'll just leave this to the bomber, and now that I'm suddenly free, I can go challenge Thunder to race! WOOOO" And with that Val took off in the opposite direction of the conflict ahead of him, leaving the fate of the humans, to a absolute nutcase.

AN: Hey guys this one will be pretty short, just gathering ideas together, and I didnt wanna leave yall on a cliffhanger..........SIKE! Leaving yall on another one. Thanks for reading and please feel free to leave a comment! :)

Ps: Should I keep the memes on some of the chapters? Or should I be more serious?

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