The Human Menace

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AN: Decided to change up some writing to help you determine whats happening better.

Safi's monologuing 





Humans. Of all creatures to walk the surface of Remnant, none are more devious, nor more violent than humans. Every major conflict to ever occur on the planet can be traced back to the actions of 1 or more humans. And I will admit, the monster society created by us Elders isn't perfect, and we are definitely violent as well. However nothing our society does will affect our own planet like human conflicts. 

Now since I've been sleep, I don't much about modern humans, however in the age of magic, human weaponry was able to create mass areas where life couldn't exist. We used to live on the mainland with the humans, a very long time ago, however they feared our power, and waged war on us. While they didn't do much, they lowered our population to the point that we reclusive elders had to band together to save what was left, and relocate. Of course that didn't come without sacrifice, as the humans managed to slay one of our numbers, if I remember correctly they killed Lao-Shan Lung, when he attempted to hold them back during the battle of Wastelands, which is a huge desert.

Ok I'm losing track of what I was saying, in total we over here do not like humans. Now it isn't to the point of hatred, well, for some of us it is. I believe Kevin hates humans so much he would leave his den if he even so much as smells a whiff of human nearby, but other than him, most others just have dislike. Oh yeah I think Joe hates humans too, but that's because if I remember some human embarrassed him by riding him like a horse. Maybe its our fault too, since we called him horse boy for quite a while. 

Now I know what your thinking, "Oh great Safi, why don't you hate humans?". Well I'll tell you.

I find them very funny. I mean imagine being scared of a jagras, like back during the war, I loved watching humans run like morons away from a jagras, and half the time it was straight into something actually scary, like a pickle. 

Ok back to the point, as long as humans don't find this island, we should be fine. The human I healed earlier should already be dead, since the area outside my nest is full of powerful monsters. 

Wait speaking of humans, I feel like I'm forgetting something. OHHHH YEAH!!!! Didn't Val say something about being found by humans? Though I think he is referring to the one who ran out of here earlier, so shouldn't be a problem after I send someone after her. Alright enough of my inner monologue, back to what I was doing.

"You WHAT?!" Safi yelled out. Val could be see squinting his eyes from the volume. After finishing up, Safi looked back at Val. "Wait never mind, its no big deal, I let that human out, they will be eaten within a hour, no need to worry." 

Val looked at him confused. "What do you mean human? I said humans, like more than one, and they came from beyond the sea! In some weird metal flying box!" Now that made Safi double back, as he realized the situation was far worse than he thought.

"Why didn't you say that from the start?! And what do you mean flying metal box?! Just shoot it down you moron!" Val had a look of realization. "Oh yeah I could have done that huh." Safi had no words, and just gave him a deadpan look. "Then why are you still here?!" He yelled at the jet eagle. 

Without missing a beat, Val did a weird salute with his wings, then took off like a rocket. With his departure Safi began to ponder the next course of action.

'Now I know the human I found shouldn't be able to escape this area anytime soon, but I don't know where the other humans Val found are. If they get too close to Kevin, we could lose a forest from his rage....Damnit! Humans always make me have to do stuff!'


??? POV:

"Hey boss, are we getting close to our target?" 

The one speaking, a tall, overweight boar faunus, is speaking to another tall man, but this one is a muscular human, with tanned skin.

"Shut up Rice, I told you 5 minutes ago we are getting closer. The tracking device our mistress gave us is saying our target is on this far off continent." The overweight man, known as Rice, fidgeted in his seat in the bullhead. "But boss, I heard bad rumors about this continent. They say anyone who comes close disappears and never returns. Transport ships heading from Vacuo to Vale go missing when they get too close to the place. And even worse, tales of sea monsters plague near the waters of the Sea of Souls, and The Cauldron is already marked as a zone of no return. Who knows what would happen to us if we decided to land there!"

The other person in the aircraft, another faunus, this time a scaled lizard woman, can be heard chuckling. "Rice, please don't tell me you believe these tall tales. You literally work for a otherworldly being. Why be scared of a bunch of stories of sea monsters. Plus we are in a bullhead, no sea monster can reach us up here." She kept laughing in-between each statement, further ruining Rice's mood.

"Sh-Shut up Liza! It isn't the sea monsters I'm worried about, its about what else there is on the dark continent! Who knows what we can run into here!" The Boss turned his head away from the cockpit window. "So you saying we should disobey the mistress Rice?" Those words caused everyone in the bullhead to enter silence. 

"You got to remember Rice, we can't disobey our orders, the mistress wants this woman captured, alive. We already blinded her, the only reason she escaped was that damn artifact she had." Rice could be see shaking, and he was sweating. " boss....I'm not saying we should disobey the mistress, I just think we can turn around, as there's no way a blinded woman can survive on her own on the dark continent, don't even mention calling for help! I say we should just say she was eaten by a grimm before we could get her, and call it there."

Both the Boss and Liza turned to look at Rice. "So you think we should tell the Queen of Grimm, that the target was eaten by grimm, and you seriously believe that she wouldn't have methods to check that?! You idiot!" Liza slapped Rice across the back of his head. The Boss just turned around rolling his eyes. "You shouldn't be such a wuss Rice. How about this, we follow the tracking beacon, and if she's being eaten by the unknown forces you're talking about, we can escape, how's that?"

Rice looked at the boss, visibly thankful. "Thanks Boss! I knew you would understand!" Liza just rolled her eyes at the fat man, visibly disappointed in his unwarranted fear. 

However, if the Boss had payed attention, he would have noticed a blip on the radar appear then disappear right after just moments after he turned around before.

AN: Hey guys sorry for the long wait! Destiny 2 Witch Queen released and yall know I had to go wild on that sucker. Now that i got more freetime I can update my 2 books, and maybe add a third if i work on the details of that one. Thanks for reading! :) 

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