𝖳𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝖲𝗂𝗑

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     Augustine cried into Maddie's shoulders for around an hour. She couldn't believe what the media was saying about the three of them. Augustine and Maddie we're apparently together and Kit got cheated on. Augustine clouding fathom the idea of that actually being the case, she loved Kit. And she loved Maddie, but Maddie was a platonic, tv show love. Kits love was real. Augustine took out her phone again and called Kit once more, the lunch had finished an hour ago due to Kits mood so he should be home or with his friends. He never lets her calls ring for more than 5 times, but he was seeing them all straight to voicemail.

        "Kit, please call me. I-I just want to talk. I didn't realize- I didn't know-" She sobbed again and hung up.

      "You need to go home. Talk to him in person." Maddie cooed, rubbing her hand down Augustine's back.

       "I-I cant, we've never fought in our entire 5 months of being together." Augustine cried, her eyes were red rimmed swollen.

"And there will be more fights after. Something will always be testing the love you two have for each other, because it's a love rarely seen. Nothing could possibly break you two apart." Maddie assured her friend.

"You're right. You're right." Augustine agreed, nodding. She wiped her tears as Maddie helped her up and out to her car.

"Let me know how it goes?" Maddie called out, Augustine nodded and left her friends house.

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