{part 18}~ operation get weird

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"Time for karaoke!" Georgia squealed running in from the kitchen to get the karaoke started.
"Hey mom? I have to admit, this is pretty cool"
"I knew youd like it"
"Know what would push it over the edge? A champagne toast " ginny said getting a feather bowa and wrapping it around her neck.
"Im sorry is this your 16th birthday or your 21st?" Her mom questioned.
"Come on its not like we are driving"
"Oh please"
"Im not even on any medication or anything" my friends said trying to get Georgia to agree.
"No" she said firmly.
"A birthday toast? It would be really cool. Come on don't mom right now we're having fun" ginny begged but it was more like guilt tripping.
"Okay, one birthday toast" she said walking over to get the key to her alcohol cabinet. Ginny offered to help and after saying shed lock it she didn't.
When they left the room thats when we began the classic scam  of exchanging the alcohol for water.
We filled all the bottles we had with it and then locked it up.
She handed out the champagne classes.
"To ginny" she smiled
"To ginny!! Happy birthday!!!" We all shouted
We then began to do karaoke and we all had a laugh with this drunk drag queen who decided to join us Before it was time to go up to ginnys room to watch a movie. When her mom left the room thats when it was time to sneak out.
We put the wigs on the pillows and we got changed into nicer outfits.
We done our make up and with help from norah we all looked amazing.
We opened ginnys window and climbed out to go to the bakers.
We done shots and played games.
A few people went up to bedrooms to most likely hook up so i waited a minute before sneaking off to find marcus.
I walked in and there he was sketching on his bed.
"Hey" i smiled walking over to his bed and laying down next to him.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be partying down stairs"
"Yeah but they all went to hook up so I thought id come see you"
"Yup, im pretty sure theres people in your parents room"
"Yeah that's weird"
We looked at each other for a moment before marcus put his art work aside and kissed me.
I then climbed over so that i was now on top of him. One thing lead to another and well you know what happened.
We lay there for a few moments before i put my clothes back on.
"I gotta get back to the party before they actually realise im gone" i said kissing his nose and going down stairs.
"Hey! Its my birthday! Everybody lets drink!" Ginny shouted as i made my way to the kitchen.
"Yes i mean l, I learned my lesson on Halloween so im not gonna drink but i support you in all you do!" Max went on.
"Yes lets drink!"
"Y/n? Were did you go?" Norah asked
"I went to the bathroom" i smiled and norah nodded.
"Happy birthday ginny!" Jordan said pouring the shots.
"Happy birthday ginny" me and max said at the same time.
We all toke a shot and then began to do more. I stopped after a few because I didn't want to be badly hung over tomorrow.
The next thing i knew a drunk ginny got up on the coffee table.
"Hey everybody, everybody. I just wanted to say that before this i never really had friends before. And you guys max and y/n and norah and abby you're my family. And hunter, hunter your so kind and smart and sexy and you can do mad tricks with your tongue" ginny said completely drunk.
And TMI i did not need to know that about hunter.
"Ok, ok" Hunter got helping her down from the table.
"That's enough of that."
Everyone laughed but to be honest i was more traumatised. I then noticed the police standing there.
"Cops!" Brodie shouted
"Run! Run!" Max said grabbing my hand and taking me upstairs to hide.
"This is your house"
"They don't know that."
I got home fine unlike a few of my friends who ended up in jail.
"Hey, I thought it was a sleepover?" My dad said as i walked in the door.
"And do you know what happened next door?" He went on
"It was but we snuck out and had a party and the cops turned up but im okay because maxine ran away with me" i mumbled on realising what i had just told my dad.
"You what?"
"Im sorry but my friends all left and I didn't want to just stay in ginnys house"
"Why didn't you come home?"
"They would have laughed at me"
"Okay well i hope you weren't drinking"
"I wasn't " i lied going up to bed

AN: i had my 3rd year math exam yesterday and it was bad
Just thought id share that


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