Chapter 16 - A first for everything

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"That's good, I'm glad. I've heard you have a monkey named BoBo, am I right?" I nod. "Does he make you feel protected too?"

I nod. BoBo was the only thing I had living down in that basement. My only haven.

"Did you have BoBo while you lived with Frank and your mom?"

I nod. He must be satisfied with the information I've given him with what he says next, "Okay I think that is enough today. Go home and rest and have a fun rest of the week. I'd like to see you next week, Baylor."

Kingston stood up with me in his arms and shook Dr. Carter's hand, "Thank you, Jack. We'll see you next week." We spent the rest of the day relaxing while I had my brothers messing and playing with me. I was never alone, forever with them......

We are soon going to celebrate thanksgiving with our family. I haven't celebrated in years, since I was young, and I don't remember much of it. Kellan says we will have a whole bunch of food and spend the day with the family. I'll even get to meet some of my other family like my cousins, uncle and aunt.

They live in Italy so they've not been able to come, but Kingston has talked to them over the phone, and they were excited to meet me.

But I need to finish the rest of the school week and then I will be on a break for a week. Thank God!

Luckily, The Bullies got kicked out of the school so I don't have to worry about them anymore. I appreciate the principal for taking them out, they overwhelmed me too much.

Now I'm happy because I'm sitting in class with Aaliyah, and she is talking to me about everything and nothing. I'm glad she has a voice for both of us.

"So do you want to?"

I look at Aaliyah, confused. "Do what?"

Her eyes widen in exasperation, "Girl, were you not listening to me? Do want to have a sleepover this weekend at my house?"

A sleepover? What is that?

"Um I don't know what that is?"

She bounced back to her energetic self. "Oh it's where you come over to my house and stay for the night. We can play games, watch movies, play on the trampoline, really anything you want to do. As long as you're comfortable."

She to come over. Does she think I'm that fun to be around?

"Yeah, I would like that. I have to ask Kingston though. Can I have your mom's phone number? He will probably want to talk to her."

"Oh yeah definitely, Boo, I've got you."

She hands me a paper with her mom's number and name on it. Priscilla Williams, that's a pretty name.

I don't know if I'm ready for a change like this. I've not left my bed since being with my brothers. I will wake up in Aaliyah's house, not to Kellan's cooking. I will sleep in her room, not my room. I will hear her family, not my brother's voices. I'm nervous. But I can do this. I know Kingston will come get me if there is a problem.

But what if I have an issue? What will they do if I have a breakdown? They will never invite me over and I'll be friendless again. Aaliyah will be so embarrassed of me.

Wait, no! Her brother, Abrahm, has autism too. They know what to do. They know what can happen sometimes. They will understand the unusual ticks that happen. They won't think me weird of having "toys" to mess with to stim that eases my mind.

I'm sure I'm just overreacting. Everything will be fine. I will have a good time and not mess anything up.

I finish the school day with this on my mind. I'm not only a bit nervous about going, I'm nervous about what Kingston will say.

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