Bonus Chapter#1

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Skylar's POV

I'm such a wreck.

I'm so gonna pass out.

Is this how all weddings are like? Did mum want to pass out?

"Oh my God Skye, I can practically hear your thoughts. Chill already, he's going to love you."

Turning from the mirror, where I was running my eyes over my appearance for the one hundredth time, I this close to biting off my artificial nails as a result of my inexplicable anxiety.

Alright, it can be explained.

I'm getting bloody married.

"I'm getting bloody married Nicky!" I muttered, voicing my thoughts.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." She snorted with an eye roll. "Though, he took his time, something 'bout wanting to be stable first."

"I'm getting bloody married." I repeated, completely ignoring her words.

"No silly, you're getting married to a British hunk, the love of your life who'd walk through a blizzard to get to your ass, literally, like last Christmas. He loves you, he wouldn't care if you showed up in sackcloth babe."

I gave her an incredulous look.

"Okay, maybe not the sackcloth part, but he loves you to death, he'll love you regardless of what you look like."

"Maybe we were too fast."

"It's been five years Skye. Five years!"

"But, but, what if he doesn't want me, I'm going to start getting fat soon ya know."

Her face softened. "Skye, that will never happen, he'd love you, even with your big awkward belly. You've told him right?"

I chuckled sheepishly.


"I know, I know, I wanted to surprise him!"

"Girl, we both know how that'll go, you guys will be to busy ripping each other's clothes off for you to remember anything."

I pouted, shoving her shoulder. "We have self control."

"Righhhhttt, he takes one look at you, and Zayde the primal sex god comes to play, and you would be too woozy to do anything."

"We would n-"

"Just like that time in the cabin, on our getaway trip last month. He took one look at you in your slinky dress and cancels your date, growling something about your ass. I, being the sensible person I am, dragged Meadow out before you could traumatise the innocent child."

I blushed scarlet. "Nicky we-"

"I dash back to get Meddy's bag, and I swear to God, I could hear his growling and grunts from the outside! It still haunts my ears!"


"And we don't need a genius to figure out that that's where this guy came from." She said patting my belly affectionately.

"I'll tell him, before we do anything."

She raised a brow at me, unconvinced.

"I will!"

She sighed. "Fine, but it better be a boy."

"What? Why?"

"Because, we're naming him Everest or Hunter." She said in a duh tone.

"This again? I thought you dropped that fantasy."

"Gotta keep up the trend ya know."

"Whatever." I said with a roll of my eyes. Turning back to the mirror, I looked over my dress. It was a beautiful mermaid tail dress, that hugged all my curves and spread out into a long train behind me. It sparkled in the light. It was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen.

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