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I would like to suggest you to read “ Real mastermind ” till the first line of this chapter for better experience 😁🤗..


“ Why the hell all of them turned into philosopher ?”, said Jin ling crossing his arms.

Nie huaisang was walking till he reached near a Lake, he stopped there and stared at the lake blankly,

“ Sang-gege ?”,

Nie huaisang turns and found out that Jingyi had followed him all way to the lake,

“ Are you okay?”, Jingyi asked coming closer to him. Nie huaisang knew he can't hide himself from him ,

“ I'm not! I don't know what you all and me are doing here ? Things are done and cannot be changed!! Even if things are changed...we save everyone, can everyone be at ease ? Even if they are....I can't!! Cause I will have to see Meng Yao freely moving here and there and I can't do anything because he won't be able to do anything bad!!!”,

“ Are you sad because he won't be able do anything bad ? ”,


Nie huaisang stared at Jingyi , he was loss at words ,

How I ended up with him?!”,

He thought, putting a hand on Jingyi's shoulder, he said ,

“ It's not about he won't be able to do anything.... it's about you know what kind of things he had done , but still can't do anything to him cause he will be so called inocent here!? Even if you all can forgive him..I can't!! ”, said huaisang lowering his hand. Turning back to lake.

“ But would you remember!?”, Jingyi said bringing his attention back to him, nie huaisang was again staring at him , trying to figure out the meaning his words when Jingyi spoke again,

“ Would you ? Cause the thing which you are saying only you can say cause you have experience that....not the Sang-gege who is a teenager, happily enjoying company of his friends , Meng Yao and his da ge's..HE HAVEN'T BEEN WHERE ARE YOU NOW....HE HAVEN'T EXPERIENCE THE THINGS WHICH YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE....”,

Nie huaisang was dumbstruck with Jingyi's words, definitely the one who is here haven't seen and experience the things he had....and if things changes from here then , no one will be at loss and will hold any type of grudges for other...even if they....it can't be as strong as their's , cause they haven't experienced those things...they won't need to experience them,

Definitely my choice!! ”, smiled huaisang thinking about these when something stuck him,

“ That means you won't remember me too?”,

Now Jingyi was silent , cause the Jingyi in world would barely be of 3 years , what can he understand even if they try to reach him ,

“ But the Sang-gege who is here.... don't even know the Jingyi here...how can you expect him to remember the one whom he haven't even met yet !!” , Jingyi smiled sadly. Nie huaisang didn't even knew how to react to that , why the things have turned this way ,

“ We should go back from here!! We can't stir anymore problems!! I can't afford to lose you... let's go!!”, said huaisang pulling Jingyi's hand. Jingyi hold huaisang hand stopping him ,

“ Sang-gege!! We have to pick one and in both the situation I guess this one is best because everyone will get the best!!”,

“ Who are you to decide? You all bunch of 20 years , what you know about life and things !! Making useless efforts , you have to know what we have now is the best for everyone. What if in order to make amends we ended up making it worse? One have to pay for messing up with the things which are never meant for them.”, said huaisang shaking Jingyi's shoulder , his eyes only reflected two things concern and fear. Jingyi takes huaisang's both hands in his,

“ Atleast we can try!! We won't hold any regret that we didn't even try . And I am sure the Sang-gege here will definitely find his Jingyi here! I trust you , Sang-gege ”, he said tighting his grip on older's hand.

“ But you trust me...not the one who is here !!”, nie huaisang said softly, slowly resting his head on Jingyi's shoulder . Jingyi warmly run his fingers in older's hairs,

“ Let tomorrow take care of tomorrow, let us leave the future to the fate..”,

“ Is fate getting what you deserve or deserve what you get ? ”, huaisang left Jingyi's embrace, adverting his gaze , he continued,

“ If I had left the fate to do things , that bastard would have still alive , causing ruckus. Fate is not a matter of chance ; it is the matter of choice. It is not the thing to be awaited for , it is a thing to be achieved!! ”,

He stared at the silent Jingyi , his eyes were reflecting a pained emotion which huaisang could easily identify, he could make the whole world work on his mere hands but he couldn't win against Jingyi, he unknowingly had became his most vulnerable weakness , 

“ Fine...stop making that faces. I agree !”, said huaisang trying to calm the panicked Jingyi.

“ But you said...”,

“ I was a idiot. I will make sure both of us are together , trust me. I will figure out something!”, said huaisang patting his head. Jingyi smiled and jumped in huaisang's embrace,

“ I knew my Sang-gege is the best ! ”, said Jingyi smiling at him which the other too reciprocates .

“ What do I do with you ?”, said brushing his nose , slightly leaning closer, he lifts his chin , leaning more closer , closing eyes....

“ JINGYI!!! JINGYI !!! ”,

Both Jingyi and huaisang get startled and bumps their head ,

“ Ouch!!” both gasps.

Why can't they let me kiss in peace!?”, thought Huaisang rubbing his head .

Zizhen came screaming,

“ Here you are, let's go . Sect Leader Jiang had gone after zewujun , I think he will fight with zewujun, only you can deal with him. ”, said zizhen pulling Jingyi's hand and walking away when he heard,


He turned and saw huaisang fanning himself most importantly glaring at him like he will burn him with his mere gaze,

“ Ahh..se..sec.. Sect Leader..nie! ”, said zizhen nervously smiling. He was in so hurry that he didn't noticed the presence of this person , if he had knew he was here he wouldn't have came here , he saw huaisang was glaring at something, he followed his gaze...

Damn!! Why it must be me ? Help me god , I don't want to die so early. I want to do so much things in life , I haven't even found myself a soulmate yet !!”, thought zizhen as he jerked off Jingyi's hand. Before zizhen could say anything and nie huaisang could do anything Jingyi pulled both with their hands,

“ Let's go , before my a-niang beat my a-die !”, he said pulling them.


I'm accepting requests, if you have for extras , cause I still haven't figure out about the two last extras...🥲

Hope you like this 🙂

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