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After the beautiful proposal both the newly couples spend their day together . The day was full of love and happiness except for Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was happy for his brother and sister and also he had his son next to him, but then also he was not feeling satisfied happiness , like he was longing for something........

Next day everyone like usual were inside the lanshi but zewujun and lan qiren were nowhere to be found. Jiang Cheng's eyes were on the gate waiting for the elder jade, he himself didn't knew why he was waiting for him . "Aww, my Didi is waiting for his lover!! My god Jiang Cheng don't take tension they all just arrived in the morning. They will be here at any moment!", said wei wuxian with a fake concerned face as he was actually teasing him.

" Can't you shut that useless mouth of yours? And who the hell said that I was waiting for zewujun!! I..umm...I...ohh...YES!! I was waiting for grandmaster lan", lied Jiang Cheng . "What !! You are waiting for grandmaster lan? Don't tell me you like him?? Ewww Jiang Cheng,he is like your father and you....Bam!! Two scroll were thrown towards wei wuxian's face together one from Jin ling and other from Jiang Cheng but , wangji being a protective boyfriend catched both the scroll before it could hit his lover. " I'm really doubting your future self!!! How can a dumbass like you became the GREAT YILING PATRIARCH???If you didn't shut your fucking mouth then , don't blame me when I will break your legs!!!", yelled Jiang Cheng in aggression. " You really like to dig your on grave, isn't?" joined Jin ling crossing his arms in disgust." I didn't said anything wrong!! You only said me that you are waiting for grandmaster lan!!", whinned wei wuxian making a pout.

"Waiting for someone doesn't means that the person holds affection towards the certain person!!! It can be for some other reasons too, young master wei", said a man in white elegantly entering lanshi and making everyone aware of his presence. Jiang Cheng don't know but that uneasy feeling which he had few minutes ago was gone and his soul was filled with a warmth feeling which he really can't describe. Zewujun!! exclaimed everyone and bowed to him one by one. Zewujun walked and came to his respective place were Jingyi and Jiang Cheng were waiting for him. "Good morning , dear", said zewujun looking at Jingyi . "Good morning , baba", said Jingyi smiling wide towards him. "Good morning, young master Jiang", said zewujun looking towards Jiang Cheng with a soft smile.

"Again! , Young master Jiang!!", thought Jiang Cheng. " Good morning, Zewujun", said Jiang Cheng not looking at other person's eyes. Zewujun sat on his place " So, did I miss something as I was not present yesterday!", asked xichen innocently. " Yes , young master wei and second young master lan kissed each other!", exclaimed wen qing smirking towards them. " What!! That a major loss ! I should have been here! ," thought zewujun but didn't voiced it out . He just simply smile at the newly couples. " So, wangji confessed his love to young master wei!", was all he could say to spare his brother some face . " No, he didn't, I was the one who confessed , "said wei wuxian proudly. " It a good news!" said zewujun smiling. " Baba also confessed his love to a-niang but in a grand way and most importantly in a decent way," said Jin ling proudly. " Oh that's really sweet! ", said zewujun. " Looks like it was really a bad decision to go to qinghe!" , he said in his mind.

"So, zewujun when are you gonna do?" asked Wei wuxian grinning towards Jiang Cheng who was already red like a tomato. " Pardon, young master wei, but can you tell me what I have to do?", asked Zewujun as he didn't get the meaning behind wei wuxian words. " I mean, when you are gonna confess your love to Jiang Cheng?", said wei wuxian with a wide smile. " Why will I propose young master Jiang? I am really not gonna do that and I really don't think there is any need to do that!!", said zewujun firmly looking in wei wuxian's eyes. Jiang Cheng who was all red , was now pale , he wasn't able to describe that hurted feeling after hearing Zewujun's words. His heart was arching very badly , all butterflies from before were gone. On the other hand , lanshi was filled with silence one can say that it was empty. No one had expected this, more or less they were quite shocked with Zewujun's words.....

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