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There was a complete silence.................
Everyone were stupefied. “What rubbish you all are talking do you think we are fool enough to believe your NONSENSE!! ”,said lan qiren with furious eyes. “We are not telling lies grandpa qiren ”,said Sizhui getting little tensed. “This old man is as same as in our time; he is never gonna change, ”exclaimed Jingyi with a annoyed face. Zewujun clears his throat ,“ little young master's how can you say something like that? Do you have any proof for your saying? ”

“We are thinking the same thing”, zewujun, exclaimed zizhen. “What do you mean? ”,Finally wangji spoke getting impatient but with same expressionless face. “Actually, baba we were on our night hunt when we noticed a strange array formation, when we all got close to take a look at it, suddenly it started glowing and we were outside the main gate. We also didn't knew  that we time traveled”, explained Sizhui. Hmm.. everyone hummed together understanding little but still doubt were there.“ Words can't be trusted!! ”,said lan wangji looking at Sizhui but with a little warmth.“ Of course words can't be trusted! but you all can see me and Sizhui have the lan clan forehead ribbon which are the proof that we are the part of lan clan”, said Jingyi loud enough to be heard by everyone. “As , for me.. I have this”, said Jin ling and took out suihua. “It looks like mine! ”,exclaimed Jin zixuan.“ It not only looks like you, it is yours” said Jin ling with tears. Jin zixuan took suihua from Jin ling and stare at it . “ They are the same swords not a single mistake, ”exclaimed Jin zixuan.

“Everyone, are you all believe us that we are from future?”, asked zizhen. Everyone nods in agreement. Jin zixuan and the twin jades were looking at their sons warmly with a smile wide enough like saying THIS IS MY SON....  But lan wangji face was still expressionless but the smile was seen by zewujun. Now, Lan qiren was also smiling  and stroking his beard, “Lan clan has heirs !! ”,He exclaimed, joy was clearly shown in his words. “Whose son are you? ”,asked wei wuxian pointing at zizhen. “Ohh  me, no need to be tensed, my father is not here, by the way let me introduce myself, I'm Ouyang Zizhen, son of the Sect Leader of Ouyang Sect of bailing.” Said zizhen with a relief because he don't need to make his father believe him that he is his son. Oh !exclaimed Lan qiren focusing on Sizhui and Jingyi.

“But, I don't get it why does you have my sword? Why didn't I gave you another sword? And if, I gave you mine what was I using?”, asked Jin zixuan mind full of Questions. Now tears started flowing down from Jin ling eyes. Jin zixuan panicks he thought he had said something which he shouldn't have. “Because...you..left..m..e and... a-niang.. when..I ...was..one.. month..old,” Jin ling voice trembled saying this. All were shocked. “Hah..I was right this arrogant bastard is good for nothing. Can't even take care of his own family, what an irresponsible man” , said wei wuxian mockingly.

Shut up!! Jin screamed controlling his sobs. But , before Sizhui could pull Jin ling into hug to comfort him, Jin zixuan pulls him into hug. Everyone were emotional by the scene except the Jiang brother they were in dilemma that is Jin zixuan married to their sister or not? And if does ,then why did he leave her and his child? What were they doing when this thing happened?  “I'm sorry for leaving you and your a-niang own your own ”, said Jin zixuan he knew he isn't the one who left them but he can't help , he  was feeling guilty. Now , Jin ling was not able to hold himself he burst into tears he hugged him back. “It's.. not.. your... fault.. baba” he trembled. He continued,“ how..is..it...your... fault..that..you.. died..just...after..one..month...of...my..birth”. He cry's his heart out ,he was longing for this hug since he has got his conscience. Jin zixuan was all numb so were others. Wei wuxian felt guilty for saying that before.“ I was died when my family need me the most!!”,his tears were running down from his eyes. “How..did you managed?”, he asked . Jin ling wipes off his tears and look and Jiang Cheng with smile..“ jiujiu took care of me”. he said with a satisfied expression. Now , everyone was confused once again. “Why is he looking at Jiang Cheng? Wait.. don't tell me that, I really married to Jiang yanli. ”,thought Jin zixuan he can't believe he really married her and had a child with her . Jiang Cheng spoke gulping in nervousness,“ y..ou mean that I'm your jiujiu .” Jin ling nods with a smile. “It means that the peacock really married shejie...and not only that he died after one month of his son birth ,then Jiang Cheng had to take care of both shejie and Jin ling.”, said wei wuxian getting what actually happened in future. Jiang yanli was in dilemma if she should be happy that she married Jin zixuan and had a child with him or to sad that he died...tears were running down from her eyes as well .

“Jiang jiujiu doesn't had to take care of a- niang ”,said Jin ling tears were again in his eyes. “What do you mean?”, Jiang Cheng asked gulping in panick because he was scared what was happened in future. “Because.. a-niang also... died..after..10days...of...baba death...”he burst in tears. Jin zixuan was not believing his ears and eyes,“ what on the earth happened?? His child was on his own when he didn't even know how to walk.” Both Jiang brothers were numb , their tears also started to flow down. Jiang yanli was crying not because she died, but because she leaves his son alone in this world. She ran and hug Jin ling crying and patting his head. “I'm sorry for leaving you alone”, she said.“ It's not your fault ..ma..ma..”, Jin ling sobs hiding his face in her nape. Everyone was emotional even Lan qiren was having tears in his eyes.

Jin ling wipes yanli tears ,“ you should not cry, Jiang jiujiu took great care of me . See I'm grown so handsome and smart .” he tries to make her laugh. “Yes,  my son is the most handsome”, said yanli with smile. Jin zixuan also smiles and looked at Jiang Cheng. “Thank you for taking care of my son.” , he said . Jiang Cheng wipes off his tears , fix his face and say ,“he is not only your son but also my nephew, I had done what I have to do. There is no need for thanks”, he said smiling. Everyone was smiling with tears.“ It's okay young mistress Jin you should be happy to meet your parents stop crying, now you completely look like a young maiden”, said Jingyi trying to ease the situation. “You!!! Stop calling me that!!” screamed Jin ling he didn't want to lose face in front his parents. All the people started laughing...


This was little emotional but next chapter is gonna a roller coaster of humor, so get ready.

Thank you for reading ☺️

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