Seeing this, Honeysuckle suggested, "Shall I go to Muyang's house to ask for some?" Muyang is the fiance of Honeysuckle, who grew up with children.

  Banxia listened and shook her head: "No, I haven't gotten married yet, and I ask people for things every now and then, so I shouldn't be looked down upon." Then she stood up and said, "When I passed by the temple a few days ago, I remembered God There are many piles of gān leaves beside the temple, I will get some now and use them as firewood."

  Ren Dong thought that it was very cold today. If he went to Muyang's house, he would have to go by himself, so he said, "That's fine, then you can go."

  Banxia entered the house and put on her father's heavy felt and moccasin boots. Then she came out and said to the honeysuckle: "Honeysuckle, you are here watching the fire, I will be back soon after I go out."

  Ren Dong nodded: "Okay, then you can go."

  When Pinellia carried the bamboo basket on her back and lifted the heavy curtain to leave the house, she realized that even though she was well-dressed, she couldn't help shivering.

  This winter is really cold.

  At this moment, the sky is dark, the snow is about to rise, there is not a trace of people outside, not even the sound of birds can be heard. Covered by the gigantic ancient mountains, the entire village was dark and desolate, as if it had been abandoned by this world.

  Pinellia did not know why the ancestors of the land slaves chose such a remote and lonely land to settle down, so that the descendants of later generations lived a hard life almost isolated from the world. In fact, if it weren't for the rare treasures in this mountain that always attracted an endless stream of herbalists and treasure hunters, then the famous people would probably have lived their lives without knowing the years outside the mountains.

  The road under her feet was rough. Banxia lowered her head and walked very slowly. Snowflakes like icy icicles fluttered on her cheeks. She felt the strange coldness, but she was secretly thinking about Sword Spirit and Earth Slaves. The ancestors prayed: I hope Daddy can live a few more years!

  When she came to the center of the village, she saw the patriarch's yard from a distance, and saw that the light was still on in the patriarch's house, and she thought about going to see what the patriarch said.

  When she reached the door of the patriarch's house, she gently knocked on the wooden door, and the old voice of the patriarch came from inside: "Come in."

  It was the wife of the patriarch who came to answer the door, and the villagers called her old mother. The old mother's face was full of love, and she lovingly pulled Pinellia into the house, holding her cold hand and went to the stove to bake the fire: "What's the urgency, come here on such a cold day, and see if you are frozen. of."

  Banxia chuckled lightly: "Old mother, I am looking for the patriarch."

  At this time, the voice of the patriarch came from the inner room: "Let Banxia come in."

  Banxia walked into the back room, but saw that the patriarch was looking through the anecdotes of the famous family under the tung oil lamp, coughing a few times from time to time. At the moment, she hurriedly bent over and saluted: "Patriarch."

  The patriarch's wise eyes left the file in his hand and slowly moved to Banxia. Looking at the young girl standing in front of him, he motioned Pinellia to sit on the futon on the kang head.

  Banxia did not sit, but stood, looking at the patriarch with pleading eyes. The patriarch should know why he came here. If Banxia's father had such a glimmer of hope, it was the patriarch.

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