Chapter 4

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It was time. Another day, another night, which meant another battle between RiverClan and LochClan. When would it stop? Aspensky nudged Drizzlepaw awake. Well, Drizzlepaw wasn't asleep in the first place. He couldn't sleep with the visions of Aspensky's death bombarding his head. He had momentarily dropped his worries about Aspensky's death, he was just a apprentice, what did he know? But the visions left him scared and determined to save Aspensky's life. Drizzlepaw stumbled to his feet and he and his mentor exchanged hasty good mornings. This wasn't Drizzlepaw's first battle yet he was still nervous. There were so many things that could go wrong. "Are you okay?" Aspensky fretted. Drizzlepaw shook his head "No, I'm not okay. The visions are back and they won't stop." Aspensky opened his mouth to say something but Drizzlepaw rushed out the apprentice's den before he could say anything. A large, battle-scarred and muscular red tom with small ears and a short tail sat underneath the leader's rock. Charredstar Drizzlepaw thought with a surge of pride. He had to make a good first impression on Charredstar, he mustn't slip up and embarrass himself in front if the leader. Drizzlepaw held his chin and tail high. He flicked his ear that had a small nick in it that he acquired in a little hunting incident Charredstar scanned the camp and his amber glare fell on Drizzlepaw. Drizzlepaw took a step towards Charredstar "Greetin-" Drizzlepaw started but was interrupted when his den mate, Quailpaw came out of nowhere and whispered loudly in Drizzlepaw's ear "You look like a you're to intimate a bird's mating dance!" Quailpaw tittered. "Wow, thanks for sharing. Haha" Drizzlepaw growled. "Your welcome. Just thought that was some information you simply couldn't live without" Quailpaw purred and bounded away. Charredstar let out a disapproving grunt and stood up. "Cats of LochClan! It is almost leaf-bare! With leaf-bare comes a shortage of prey. The floods have already made prey scarce and leaf-bare won't make it any easier. Our rival, RiverClan has been a nuisance lately. In leaf-bare, their stream freezes and takes away their main food source, they are weak and starving, and it would prompt them to invade our prey supply, encouraging them to be more greedy. It be unwise to not take advantage of the situation whole they are weaker. LochClan, our goal tonight is to injure RiverClan cats. It will reduce the competition greatly." Charredstar yowled. Cheers and yowls of agreement erupted from the warriors that surrounded them. "Let's go!" Charredstar smiled.

The battle patrol were making their way towards RiverClan camp. Aspensky and Oakspine scared off the guard by slicing their shoulder. Drizzlepaw heard yowls of alarm erupt from RiverClan camp. Aspensky was in front of Drizzlepaw so that he could keep an eye of Aspensky. "I don't like this" Drizzlepaw shivered, "Me neither" Aspensky replied. Drizzlepaw thought he saw a shadow on the top of the cliff. But he shook it off. The vision it was about to happen, he could feel it. "ASPE-" Drizzlepaw shrieked as a black and white RiverClan warrior plunged down the cliff and barreled into Aspensky. Her teeth fastened in Aspensky's neck and her claws digging into Aspensky's shoulders. Drizzlepaw yowled and clawed blindly at the attacker, tears blurred his vision. "Get off him! Stop! Stop!" Drizzlepaw screeched trying to push Aspensky's attacker off.The she-cat kicked him away, sending him into a pile of rocks. He saw blood start to rush down Aspensky's neck. "Stop!" Drizzlepaw yowled, jumping to his paws and flinging himself at the two scuffling cats. "Stop it! You win!" He screamed at the she-cat, trying to knock her off Aspensky. But his cries and pleads were drowned out by the screeching of battling cats and the rain and thunder that roared overhead. He bit down on the she-cats tail as hard as he could but the she-cat ignored him. Aspensky faltered underneath the she-cat. "Stop!" Drizzlepaw screeched and tried to barrel into the she-cat but she quickly jumped out the way, sending Drizzlepaw crashing into the rock wall. The she-cat fled, quickly disappearing into the mess of battling cats. "Aspensky!" Drizzlepaw wailed and rushed to his mentor's side. "I told you! Don't die! Please!" Drizzlepaw cried. "I'm sorry.. You were right Drizzlepaw." Aspensky croaked. "It was so foolish if me to carry on. I'm sorry. No cat should have to suffer what you have" Aspensky choked out. Blood began to pour from Aspensky's fur. Drizzlepaw leaned over Aspensky and hugged him tightly, he was sticky with blood, furious tears rushed down Drizzlepaw's face. "LochClan cat!" A voice yowled. A silver tabby flung herself at him and knocked him to the ground with immense strength and astonishing speed. He was fueled with rage and kicked her off, raking her belly in the process with his hind claws. But claws met his neck and pinned him to the ground. "I will spare you if you flee." The cat said.

"What?" Drizzlepaw managed to choke out. "A cat does not need to kill to win a battle" The cat said. "I refuse to flee! I..will avenge the deaths RiverClan has caused.." Drizzlepaw screeched. The stranger cat's grip on Drizzlepaw's neck loosened a bit. "I'm ConstellationClan" The cat said. What? Drizzlepaw strained his neck to look up at the stranger cat. Aqua blue eyes stared back at him. "Drizzlekit?" The cat whispered. "Troutflight....?" Drizzlepaw's emotions were a mess. He'd never met his father and he'd been raised to hate him. But he barley had time to comprehend what happened before Charredstar's yowled rang across the battlefield "LOCHCLAN! RETREAT! WE GOT WHAT WE CAME FOR!" Cats bolted past Drizzlepaw and Troutflight. Troutflight leaped off Drizzlepaw. He stood up to follow his clanmates but Troutlfight stopped him. "Wait. Meet me here at midnight." Troutfight meowed. Drizzlepaw was about to say no but the seriousness  in his Troutflight's eyes silenced him. He forced himself to simply nod and he trudged slowly. He grabbed Aspensky's scruff and slowly started dragging him away. His blood left a trail on the rocks but the rain washed it away. Rain pelted Drizzlepaw's pelt and blood filled as his senses. A shadow loomed over him. Making Drizzlepaw freeze. "Run LochClan cat, when we say go we mean it" A brown tom hissed at him. "Falconcry, leave the poor apprentice alone. He's had enough. Let the apprentice" Troutflight meowed, defending Drizzlepaw. Falconcry let out a grunt and stalked away. Drizzlepaw shot a look of gratitude at Troutflight. "Thank you.." Drizzlepaw murmured. "Here, let me help you." Troutflight meowed and swung Aspensky's body around his back and escorted Drizzlepaw in silence to the LochClan border.

StarClan's Wrath: Drown | Warrior Cat OCs story (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now