Qualifying Round: Hostage

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Opening her eyes, Ava winced in pain at the migraine that assaulted her.

When the fog cleared from her head, Ava realized she was bound to a chair.

"I see you're awake." Came a loud voice from behind her.

She watched a middle aged man with greying hair and dressed in a military style suite approach.

"Who are you?" She demanded angrily. "And why am I here?"

"There's no need to fret. I mean you no harm." The man said with a smile.

"Then why am I here?" She asked, straining against the bonds that held her.

"That's true, but you see... I'm someone who simply wants to help you reach your full potential." He went on.

"My potential?" She asked in confusion.

"That's right, Ava," He said as he smiled wickedly at her. "Do you know what a meta-human is?"

"A what?"

Ava wasn't really interested but she decided to humor him whilst engineering an escape plan.

"They have been called many names over the millennium. Titans. Gods. Angels, demons. Mutants." He explained. "These days they are called meta-humans."

"And you're telling me this because?" She asked him.

"That's an easy question. You're here because you are one. You are meta-human." He replied."Most importantly, it's your possible genetic line that makes you special. You see, I believe you're not one of these scientifically manufactured mutants.

If I'm right - as the DNA test will prove - your mutation is a result of natural evolution."

The entire time he was explaining himself, Ava stared at him as if he was crazy.

"I don't care about your theories. Let me go!" She screamed at him.

"Of course you don't. You've never had to. You've spent your entire life suppressing your abilities with antipsychotics."

He held out a hand and she watched someone familiar pass him a file.

"Lancelot?" She exclaimed, fighting against her restraints.

He merely ignored her as he made his way back to where he had been standing. This infuriated her as she thought of how the boy had been asking her out all summer.

"If you cooperate, we'll make this comfortable for you and as a bonus we'll help you find your father."

This piqued her interest but she wasn't going to entertain him.

"You call that a bonus? You brought me here against my wishes, I want nothing from you!" She snapped.

"Have it your way then."

Ava watched as four man approached her. Before she could react, one of them snipped at her hair and put it in a clear glass tube. When another approached with a large syringe Ava began to panic.

She screamed as they held her down, the lights and windows exploding in response to her panic.

"Hurry and sedate her!"their leader commanded as he watched her chair begin to levitate off the ground.

Someone managed to plunge the needle into the side of her neck and as she slowly lost consciousness, her chair came crashing down onto the floor.

Someone managed to plunge the needle into the side of her neck and as she slowly lost consciousness, her chair came crashing down onto the floor

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