18. Finn's choice

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"I don't know what you're trying to do Elena, but it's over." Esther said, approaching Kol again.

"Finn, please. Trust me. This is not a game, or lie. You can listen to my heartbeat. You can take it just like your siblings and live the normal human life that was taken from you so young." Elena tried to convince him. "You can have a family. Kids. Grandchildren. And I believe you could be an uncle one day." Elena smiled at him. "Please give me a chance. Give your siblings a chance. Yes, you weren't exactly an example of a good family who's holding together, but there were times when you would have given your life for your siblings, right? Klaus never left you. None of you. Yes, he stabbed you, all several times with a daggers over the centuries, but he never left you. Wherever he went, you went with him. Of course in the coffin, but he always kept you close. I know, it's a weird way of confessing sibling love, but you have to admit that Klaus had it the hardest of you. Your father beat him when you were human. He claimed that Klaus was weak, that he would never be a fighter. And then, when Klaus first transformed and Mikael found out he wasn't his son, all he wanted to do was to kill him. For something he wasn't even responsible for, for something what wasn't his fault. For centuries, Mikael hunted Klaus only because your mother once hurt him by cheating on him." Finn looked at his younger brother, who was lying unconscious on the ground. "Finn, I'm not saying you should forgive him, but..." Elena took a deep breath. "Try to give him one more chance. One last chance. You owe it to him, just as he owes it to you. Be the family again you once lost." Elena grabbed his hand and he looked into her eyes, which were full of tears. And the moment she grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, it seemed to her as if they had spread to him, as if something had flown through them, and in a few seconds it was gone again.

"Finn, son. You can't trust her. There is no other way. The ritual is almost finished, we only need time until the full moon. Until then, we can take your siblings somewhere so they don't cause any problems." Esther said, walking over to the table. But Finn didn't move. He kept looking at Elena or his two younger brothers and sister.

"Finn, please." Elena spoke to him again.

"Is that true?" Finn asked nervously.

"Yes. It's true. Why do you think Kol or Rebekah took Klaus's side? They want the cure, but when your mother completes the ritual, you all will be connected and they'll die even if they will be human already. You're the only one who can stop it now. You can win your family back." Elena knew Finn was thinking about it. He didn't know what to do.

"Enough! Elena, I don't want to kill you, so it would be best if you leave. Now. Finn, take your siblings and lock them up in the basement, I'll finish the spell."

"Finn, please." Elena squeezed his hand more urgently.
"Mother, wait," Finn said, and Elena almost exhaled a sigh of relief.

"Finn, you wouldn't believe her. She's just trying to manipulate you. Take her out of here." Esther said, turning her back on them.

Finn turned back to Elena again and she was struggling to start yelling at him so that he would finally wake up or not to pick up something and hit Esther in the head. Finn smiled at Elena.

"I'm sorry," he said, Elena let go of his hand and began to back off slowly. She couldn't believe she had failed. She will not save them. She will not fulfill the task given to her by Qetsiyah. Save the Original. Failed. "I'm sorry." Finn repeated, but instead of pouncing on Elena, he vamped behind his mother, and Elena heard a crackling sound. Within a second, Esther fell to the ground. Finn turned to Elena, holding his mother's heart in his hand.

"I remembered," he said simply.

Elena couldn't believe what she was seeing. She almost laid herself on the ground. She had to sit in the chair that was right next to her. She tried to breathe calmly and absorb what had just happened.

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