╰─▗ ▘➤𖥸 I know stars

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·˚ ༘ ➳〔to my most loyal friend, the sky〕 ࿐ ࿔:🖇

I know stars because they watched
While I was too far to be touched
How I cried, laughed, and smiled,
Searching the sky to forget for a while.

Arcturus, Sirius, and Aldebaran,
Old friends that can heal every scar
With just a glance upwards even when
Those stars have the sun to replace them.

And sometimes I wish I was one of you;
Stuck in the sky, one endless ocean of blue,
Listening to wishes and beating of hearts
Making out of starlight beauty an art.

Oh, if only I had a place among
Constellations that are never too old!
I could be at peace, at last,
Finally letting go of a stormy past

But there's no sun to take my place,
Nothing for someone that has fallen out of grace,
So I'm renegaded, sent into the darkness,
Pits of Tartarus, hell built on madness.

I'll be banished somewhere where I'll forever burn,
Where devils are waiting for their turn
To find a punishment fitting and true
For all that I did, for what I didn't do.

Tie me up, bloody and pleading,
From the Holy Bible let me do my last reading,
Let me cleanse and purify
Of what once was a love of mine.

Pitch and coal smearing my face
While I let my fingers with each other lace
In one last prayer, one last toast,
To the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

I pray to you, I pray while I laugh and cry,
Because your saints are no saints of mine,
They never cared for my very soul
Let alone my being whole.

So my last prayer will go with love
To something that's way more above:
Too all the stars and to Selene
And to the wounds that in future they'll heal.

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