When he held the baby he shed tears without even realizing it.The last time he had been so emotional was fifteen years ago when he lost his father.With  just one glance he knew it in his heart that this little creature was going to be his pride and joy.Hence he only wanted to live for him.

His son seemed to be at peace.For a moment he stared at Jungkook who was sleeping on his bed.The omega seemed pale after having lost quite a lot of blood.Taehyung wished that Jungkook would wake up before he leaves with his son so he would thank him for  giving him the greatest gift of his life.And that was the privilege of being a father.

The carriage with the baby left the brothel at dawn.Taehyung had tried to wait for Jungkook to wake up but he eventually gave up.He could no longer wait to get his son home,where he belonged.

Ms Jung was left with her own conflicting feelings.When she held Jungkook's son she didn't want to let go.The young prince was a replica of his father,the king.She wished she could hold him on his mother's behalf but that was not  possible.Jungkook was never going to see his child ever again.He was going to spend a lifetime yearning and longing for him.Maybe it was better if he hadnt conceived in the first place.He wouldn't have to go through the heart wrenching pain that was in store for him.

The headmistress didn't want to be the one to deal with Jungkook when he wakes up and asks for his child.But she knew at the end of the day she will have to do it because no one else would.Unknowingly she had become a mother to him.

It had been three days since the young prince arrived at the palace in secrecy.Well it was no longer a secret to everyone except for the concubines.Their residence were far away from the kings.

Jisoo barged into the throne room where her brother had been hiding since morning.

"How can you be reading petitions when your son has been crying.Don't you feel sorry for him?"she yelled

"He doesn't want to feed right.Get another wet nurse.If he refuses find another still"Taehyung said

"Taehyung what my nephew needs is not a wet nurse.He needs his mother.Ever since he got here he is been refusing to feed from anyone who isn't his mother.Doesn't that tell you something.Will you wake up when he is no more"

"My son won't die.Heavens forbid"Taehyung banged the table

"Keep telling yourself that.If he dies it's all on you.I'm going to get Seokjin oppa for you.As far as I know he is the only person who can knock some sense into your empty skull."Jisoo said

"Damn prick"

After an hour the only person Taehyung respected on the face of the earth arrived.Sehun gave him a chair and then left the two cousins alone.

"I thought I did the right thing"Taehyung started

"For yourself yes.Not for your son nor his mother.It's likely that your son won't survive being separated from his mother.Just think about it.Is it your ego or your son's life"

"Hyung you know why I can't let Jungkook in my life.I wasn't even supposed to lay a hand on him ....It was a moment of weakness"

"No one is judging you because a beautiful soul was born out of that moment of weakness but it seems like we might lose that angel if you don't do what's right soon"Seokjin said

"I thought I only had to own up to my mistakes but bringing Jungkook into my life is something I never wanted.I can't imagine it"

"It was not Jungkook who killed your father and persecuted you for years.It was not Jungkook's doing nor his son's.So tell me why they have to suffer?"he asked with a steady voice

"Jungkook might just turn out like his father and stab me in the back.He doesn't think his father's death was justified"Taehyung snickered"What does he even know"

"Of course we can not let our guard down when he is around.We have to be on high alert.Remember you are only bringing him into this palace because of his child.Tell him that and draw the line."Jin said

"I'm doing this because it's in my son's best interest.Jungkook will have to leave once he has served his purpose.Until then I will be watching his every move like a hawk."Taehyung said

"I understand but one of these days Jungkook will have to understand that his father committed high treason.He will have to come to terms with the bitter truth.He will have to swallow it"Seokjin said

"I can't wait for that day."Taehyung said

Meanwhile Jungkook sat in his bed hugging his legs and stared into nothingness.Ms Jung had told him the devastating news and he hadn't seemed to be alive since then.He had cried for hours until there were no tears left to cry.

"Jungkook you have to eat"

"And then what?I have nothing to live for.How would   you have felt if you were me.He took everything from me.My baby....I don't even know what he looks like.Didn't even get to hold him.Not even once"he wept hopelessly

"Take heart now"Ms Jung patted his back.

"Is he so strong and powerful or is  the weakness in me.What did I ever do to him that he would hurt me this way.If....I have ever offended him then he should let me know so I can fall on my knees and apologize"

"Jungkook I know I might sound insensitive but please just let it go.The king has left a box of silver for you.Use that to go and start your life afresh.You don't have to be here any more"the headmistress said

"Where would I go.Who will I go to.I have no life without my child.I had so many hopes and dreams for him and his father had just to rip him away from me.Heavens will punish him.I will never forgive him."

"You need to breath or you will have another mental breakdown"she patted his back.

"Ma'am please tell me.Wasn't I already suffering enough?"he welpt

"You were my child but there are some things we just can't change.We can't go against what fate has in store for us"

"If only  I had died before this wouldn't have happen.I wouldn't be in this much pain.You should have just let me die when I came here"Jungkook said

"I'm sorry for failing you.I shouldn't have let the king touch you in the first place"

"If you are really sorry then just let me die in peace.If you try to stop me again I will start hating you"Jungkook said

"You can hate me all you want Jungkook but your death won't solve anything.I won't let you end your life in vain"

"But death is the only thing that can give me peace and solace"the omega whispered lowly

"Is it the only way?"

Jungkook wasn't planning to answer that so he just kept quite.A knock then came on the door.

"Lady Jung.It is I Mungtae."

"What is it?"

"I brought word from the palace"Mungtae announced

"Bring it in"the headmistress said

Jungkook raised his head up.What did the monster want now.Hadn't he done his worst?

Bittersweet (Taekook Omegaverse/Royalty Au)Where stories live. Discover now