Chapter 64- Kaede's kiss

Start from the beginning

I slammed the scissor drawer, flashes through my mind of red inkling out from my arm. I shook my head to erase the thoughts, though I was shaky. I stepped away, wanting to leave the room as quickly as possible.

I explored the small kitchen cabinets and such. There was a knife block, spices, dishware, pots, pans, even managed to find some rat poison with traps of course.

I felt Shuichi's hand on my shoulder, "Find anything interesting?"

"Nope!" I lied, "It's like a wasteland."

He looked confused, "A w-wasteland? But this is place perfectly clean."

"But it's all sitting, not being used," I chuckled, "nishishi~ it's a waste. Land."

He face palmed, "I get it. But considering, Kokoro is probably going to frequent this room. It won't be unused for long."

I shrugged as we left the room, having searched everywhere we could inside it. I was still slightly shaky from earlier, but it didn't seem Shuichi had noticed; which I was quite glad about. I glanced at my hands, wrapped in bandages from punching walls or was it the floors? Too hard.

I placed them back in my pockets, though I wouldn't stop shaking for a long time.

Shuichi glanced over at me, "Y-you alright?" Damn. He probably noticed then. I nodded, playing pretend as usual. His expression was full of concern but I did my best to ignore it.

Then someone approached, a face I'd known as a friendly one. Well for the most part anyway. She didn't smile, but seemed rather indifferent I guess would be the word for it. She raised a brow at the sight of me.

"You're shaking," Sachio stated.

I pretended not to notice, "So I am! How strange."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. People are wondering where you two went, so I offered to find you."

"Awe someone's looking for little-old-me~" I smirked.

She sighed, "More Shuichi really but you're kinda of a package."

Wow, what a self-confidence booster. Thanks Sachio -_- She moved passed us, entering one of the counseling rooms behind us.

Shuichi made eye-contact with me, "D-do you mind come down to the cafeteria with me?" I didn't really want too. Especially if it was Kaede, she was a tad annoying.

"Sure! Can't disappoint my precious Shumai after all!" I smiled at him.

"You wouldn't be dissap-" I grabbed his arm mid sentence.

"Let's go already, can't keep them waiting!" I yanked him to the steps where we descended down to the first level.

Once down, we walked the rest of the way to the cafeteria, and as expected Kaede gestured for him to come over. I let him go and he walked towards them, but she was still gesturing. SHe wanted me to get over too? Talk about bothersome, but I had some time-

My thoughts were interrupted as someone tapped my shoulder. I whipped my head around to spot Rantaro. "Kokichi, do you have a minute?" He asked, and I nodded. We stepped out into the hall, "Look, I'm not sure how to tell you this-"

"Awe does Rantaro have a crush?~" I teased knowing that's not what he wanted to talk about.

He let out an exasperated sigh, "it's about Shuichi... and Kaede" I nodded and he continued. "Well- Shuichi uh- Shuichi kissed Kaede." He waited for my face to change but it didn't. We hadn't been dating so I couldn't be mad at him, though my internal screaming said otherwise.

"Aren't you upset?" He asked.

I smirked, "No, but you certainly are." That was a lie but he couldn't tell. He eyed me, eyes squinted.

"He's your boyfriend isn't he? Why wouldn't you be upset? Our partners cheated," Rantaro explained his point of view.

I shrugged, "Well sure, if he were my boyfriend, I would be so~ mad! I can only imagine how you feel about Kaede right now!" He glared. "OOoo touchy! Don't hurt me now avocado boi! I'm so threatened!"

He held his face in his hand, "It's on me for thinking I could have a serious conversation with you. Just thought I'd let you know, it happened a few days ago. I saw it from outside the kitchen." The kitchen... wait... it couldn't have been when I was in the cabinet... So that's what the long pause was.

A grossed out sensation came over me, even a bit of baby barf. I did my best to mask out my feelings so Rantaro wouldn't take notice.

There was one odd thing though.. Shuichi kissed her? He wasn't that bold, even when in a relationship with me! Especially in this zone that he had nightmares of.



Meant to post this on Friday but was out of town for a bit (had no wifi). I'm back now and even if I forget to write, there's already three more chapters written after this one :3

Have a good day/night or whenever you are reading!

Love y'all

~silliesgirlz out

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