Diminishing Dim

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Last I saw the bedsheets, crumpled on the floor 

What use is a bed if I'm not sleeping anymore 

I saw the light that left me 

As I got traded in 

There's always a new chapter 

But you're not always in 

I can't say that things will go back to what you wish they were 

I can't say that they'll improve 

If I can't see a future where I'm in the world with you 

You're on your own as I have been 

It's disastrous as all hells sin 

This world has kicked me from it's place as it did when I was born 

Ill willingly remove myself if you'll promise to mourn 

Now I know that I don't deserve anything 

And I know that I haven't been what you need 

But just honor all  of my suffering 

And in ways, you'll indeed improve 

I would have been much more to you as I should have been to me 

But difficulties arrive when you hate just everything 

I know you don't and I know you care 

Even when you scream and cut your hair 

I was here and I've been there 

But I cut me down and set a flame 

I made a promise and chipped away 

I wanted to keep everything 

I got my way and it's off for the spring 

I gave way to everything and the world crumbles beneath my feet 

I'm seething mad, I'm so very sad 

Ive been good and I've been bad 

I've been happy, momentarily 

I am far from ordinary 

But I sully the ground, only daily 

A failure in it's wake 

My heart aches and my bones suffer rot 

I kill things when I have not 

I forget and forgive only to myself 

Willing to try but unable to help 

You can love the thought but go rid yourself 

A bottle that's quite top shelf 

But poison all the same 

I'm not good for most the time 

I love the things that I help die 

Won't you go flourish where I could not 

Make sure to cherish what you have got 

I love you still a whole awful lot 

But my loves still as in stillborn 

But just make sure that you still mourn 

Maybe learn to love yourself

May OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now