No Words Come Out For When I Scream

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A breeze sweeps in, in a room with no walls

The grass tickles carcasses and softens all falls

Teeth scatter these lands like glass shards on floor

But sounds are quiet without a door

Quick to jump whats left is not

All that remains is smell and rot

No one no thing to come for me

No one nothing to comfort me

In the grassy fields, not a grain of sand

The masses of miniscule dont heap in hands

The hair clumps in handfuls, the blood pumped on candles

With no doors there shall be no handles

Get a grip of the light that beams in dawn

You feel your hand and your hand feels warm

An isolation temporary, when you scream to avoid imaginary

But the day is soon to come to end, and sooner to slip away from hands

 As you slip off and dream again, the peace is disturbed when the nightmare ends

May OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now