Yeah, In A World Full Of It All

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Im going to cut my wrists

Well I really want to bleed

Im too scrawny 

Tell me all the veins you see

Putting out my cigarette on my tongue

It burns so bad but my brains still so numb

These burn marks on my arms are cauterized wounds

The leakage from my brain drips in a fancy tune

I swallowed my old razor and it hurts inside

But my minds overwhelmed, take me for a  joyride

Burnt out, the feeling is cramped in my mind

Gun to my temple sister begged me to unwind

Flip of the coin, circles circling

Where is the noise, hurdles chuckling 

Bayonet, with the shiny pointed tip

Weaving net, just go set it and Ill trip

My faucet is bleeding I can hear the cold drip

Or is everything so heated my brains having a fit

Slowly do my thoughts echo

Am I soon to die

Where does the time go?

It pricks you and I

Biting my tongue as the blisters pop and fizz

My body has its mind though I dont know where it is

Slowly do my thoughts echo 

Am I soon to die

Drowning in a murky puddle 

But death is so shy

May OctoberМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя