Street Skippin

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I go to slit some bitches throat but all I know

Is she stays home on Tuesdays and dances real slow

Anger in my eyes bout a year ago

Though I aint feeling upset as I skip down the road

Whistle a tune, fit for a loon

So pure does she sway, I think I swooned

There she goes and shes singing so loud

The shuffling of feet comes to a stop

So shes allowed, a tear to drop

From the window, the window, I can see

I peer through the fabric of reality

I watched her do her laundry and hug her jeans

Im a violent man but not the destroyer of dreams

Im a delicate I know what pure means

The rage will subside and Ill go on with my life

Chances probably are you wont see another five

The scheming kid within me didnt want you alive

The adult thing to do is not to watch you die

May OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now