Grazing In The Haziness Of My Barricade

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Tantalizing, dirty sheets

Breathalyzer, I cant breathe

Betrayal, of all that eat

Fondness of, the lack of meat

Its superficial and I can not see

Lead me to the door, so that I may leave

Conscious of the way you seethe 

What am I without a smile in my teeth

Save me my little one

Aware that I am no fun

Letting whatever slide, so graciously, from your tongue

My intrusive thoughts proved so right I cant outrun

Lead the blind to their cliff

Watch the young who used to love so pissed

Or they would if they knew, they were fixed, to be next

But no one seems to be upset with me

No one seems to be upset about me

I do not care to make them right

I do not care to never let it slide

I only wish I could see the grass beyond

I only care to feel this ache be gone

So begone, so be it, bygones 

So save me little one that Ive neglected for so long

Spring free and Ill let you be whatever that you've seen

A tantalizing cage dream

May OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now