Chapter 17: The Runway

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Once he comes out of my bathroom all dressed up, I cannot help but stare at him. His outfit consist on a button up khaki green colored shirt with a dot-patterned in the middle, beige suit pants and brown lace up shoes that match with the pants. He rolled the sleeves of the shirt and he also undid one button of it, which makes him look even more attractive. And the watch that he is wearing complements his outfit.

"Now you are ready for Fashion Week." I tell him with a smirk.

Enzo chuckles at my comment. After that we both head out of my house and drive to the airport to fly on my jet to Milan.

Since it is Fashion Week, I will be staying in Milan for the whole week, mostly going to the Fashion Shows and touring around the city. It takes approximately one hour and twelve minutes to reach Milan by plane, which give us enough time to arrive by 2PM to Zuhair Murad's Fashion Show.


Enzo and I arrived in Milan by 1PM. I thanked the pilot before heading out of the plane. Once outside, Alonzo and a few of my bodyguards were waiting for my arrival. They flew earlier than Enzo and I to prepare the villa that I will be staying at, mainly to make sure that the perimeter was secure enough for me and also to bring their luggage, Enzo's included.

"Welcome, Ms. Cattani! Everything is ready for you." Alonzo informs me with a smile on his face, I nod my head at him in acknowledgment.

Enzo came out of the plane carrying my luggage, he proceed to put it inside one of the 2022 Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron, in which my bodyguards will be using for the week we stay here. I walk to the 2022 Audi R8 Coupe that I will be driving throughout the week. But we all know that in reality Enzo is the one driving, instead.

One of my bodyguard opens the passenger door for me and closes it once I am inside. I wait for Enzo to load my luggage and once he is done, he gets inside the driver seat and drives to the Fashion Show. Alonzo and the rest of my bodyguards head back to the villa.

As soon as Enzo and I arrived at the Fashion Show held by Zuhair Murad cameras kept flashing towards me at the entrance, but they weren't disturbing since the photographers were respectful and kept their distance. I kept my poker face for the photos, posing here and there. To be honest I am loving the attention that I am receiving.

Enzo kept his distance while the photos were taken.

After a few minutes of being photographed, I signaled Enzo for us to move inside and he was by my side in a heartbeat.

Since Max was suppose to be here with me as my plus one, Enzo will be occupying his seat.

Our seats are located at the front row, the perfect seats to watch the models on the runway. I notice Enzo's eyes kept roaming around the place, on high alert.

"Is something wrong?" I whisper close to his ear, we locked eyes and I notice that we are way too close for comfort, so I lean back to create distance between us.

"I am just looking out for any possible threat." he says no longer looking at me but around the place, again.

"Almost everyone in here are celebrities, I doubt that they will try to hurt me." I can't help but chuckle, "Loosen up, Enzo." I say trying to put him at ease.

"Ms. Cattani, may I take a picture of you and your date?", a photographer asks politely.

I was about to protest that Enzo wasn't my date, but Enzo cut me off by standing up. He reached out his hand for me to take, I took a deep breath and took his hand getting up from my seat with his help, I stand beside Enzo posing, but keeping a distance from him.

"Mister?" the photographer asked Enzo politely, "Enzo Guiluliani." he answers with a smile.

"Mr. Guiluliani, would you mind getting close to Ms. Cattani for the photo?" the photographer asks, Enzo looks at me for approval and I nod my head at him.

Enzo got close to me; he hesitated for a second before wrapping his arm around my waist, the contact making me flustered for some reason, but I still kept my composure and I gave a small smile to the camera "Perfect!" the photographer exclaimed excitedly.

He took a few more photos of us and once he was done, he bowed at us politely and thanked us. We nodded politely at him, thanking him back as we took a seat one more time.

After the photographer left the show started, I was having a great time. All of the designs were spectacular and well elaborated. I am eagerly anticipating the day when I would be able to wear those designs.

Enzo seemed to be enjoying himself, as well, he kept asking me questions about a certain piece of clothing that caught his attention and he also kept commenting about the designs that he liked.

As the show came to an end, I talked to a few of my celebrities friends and I had the honor on talking to the editor in chief of Vogue Magazine, we had a pleasant conversation and she even complimented Enzo's look, something that coming from her is a big deal.

The fashion designer himself walked up to me to thank me for coming to his show and he promised to send me the designs that I wanted.

Moments like this make me forget what I do for a living and sometimes an escape from reality is exactly what I need...

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