Chapter Fifty

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The general waved the scroll in the air. "First things first, I believe this is for you, Captain Monté."

Devolan nodded, then said, "I want to see it."

"Do you not trust King Orson?"

"Of course I do. I just don't trust you."

For a moment, the general considered this. He then silently held out the scroll for her to take. "Alec," Devolan called. The man stepped out from the crowd. He crossed the ground between us and the army slowly, and when he reached the general, he carefully plucked the scroll from his hand and turned back.

He didn't make it two steps before the general said, "Now," and another arrow sliced through the air. Alec's blood immediately stained his shirt. He took a staggered, confused step before falling face down, the scroll still tightly clutched in his hand.

Devolan's lips parted, horror and shock and confusion blooming on her face all at once. "What is this?" She demanded. "King Orson said I'd get to go freely. He said all you wanted was the Scarlet Assassin. He said everyone else would go free."

"Change of plans," the general sneered. "His majesty doesn't want any unforeseen issues. My orders are to kill you all. Well," he glanced at me, "all but you, of course. King Orson seems to have other plans for you, Scarlet Assassin, though he seemed to forget to specify whether or not you were to be delivered to him unharmed. Archer-" Right as the archer's bow tilted to my direction, Sorin stepped in front of me, expressionless.

The general raised a brow and held up a hand, signaling the archer to pause. Then he said, "Ah, I see. So you've fallen under this whore's spell have you, Lieutenant Stryker? King Orson was afraid she'd turn you against him." Sorin stayed quiet. "Well, I wasn't looking forward to killing you today, but I see now it must be done."

There was an eerie silence that followed as we all looked at the forty or so guards. There were only thirty of us.

"What do we do, Vera?" Rafe whispered. His hand was hovering over his hip where a single knife was strapped.

"We wait."

"Wait? Wait for what? Them to slaughter us?"

From the tip of the ship, a small, silver canister dropped down. I saw Ace's arm dive back behind the ship, and then I watched whatever she had thrown fall right in the cluster of guards.

"For that," I said, grabbing Rafe's arm and yelling, "Get to the ship!" As I began running back toward the dock.

There was a loud hissing noise. White smoke leaked from the can and surrounded the guards in seconds. It wasn't much, but it would give us time. And as much as I wanted to kill Devolan right now, her, her crew, and her ship are the only things that will ensure we make it out.

We all sprinted up the gangplank and got to the deck of the ship. "Rafe, get Sophie and some of the crew and go to the armory. Get everything they have-"

"You can't just take all of my weapons!" Devolan yelled, grabbing onto my arm. I shoved her.

"Touch me again, and I swear I will kill you. You got us into this mess, and now I'm getting us out. I will use your weapons any damn way I want, so stay out of my way or get off."

"This is my ship," Devolan hissed.

"Not anymore." I turned back to Rafe. "Rafe, go!" He nodded, grabbed some crew mates who were standing by and went below deck right as the soldiers climbed on. Arrows began flying around us.

I pulled Sorin behind the mast. An arrow shot just past him.

"I'll take care of the archers," I told him quickly. "Find Ace and Carter and make sure they're safe."

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