Part 12

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Why did he expect Gu Qingpei to ask this, and he coughed lightly: "What does Gu always want to gossip about?"

Gu Qingpei turned the cup and smiled lightly: "Casually talk, curious." Are you alumni? Haven't you known each other for many years?

"Ten years."

"Oh, that's long enough."

"Yes." Ten years, why do I have some feelings in my heart.

Ten years sounds very long, looking back, and seems to have passed, many things seem to be still yesterday, sometimes wake up in sleep, dazed will not know what year they are in, the older people get, the more they will feel that time is like an arrow, life is short.

"You and him... It's really hard to relate to, not that you're bad, but you don't think you look like you're in that circle at all. "There

is no intersection, only the same school knows before."


"No, he's two years younger than me, and he met at school events." Why remember ten years ago, suddenly a little trance.

"Then you will be..." Gu Qingpei was not too embarrassed to say everything, after all, the two were not so acquainted.

Why smiled and said, "Hmm."

Gu Qingpei raised an eyebrow: "You don't want to find a serious boyfriend?" <

Why shook his head: "Gu Zong, you also know me, my personality, stuffy, and will not please people, I think it is very good now."

Gu Qingpei looked at the expression of why he pretended to be light and breezy, remembering Song Juhan's hostile look that day, and a glimmer of inquiry flashed in his eyes, but he did not break: "Also, it is nothing more than looking for someone to be a companion, but to be honest, you think so now, in a few years it may not be, I used to think so well, unrestrained and unburdened, but now I want to settle down more and more, there is a person who can know cold and know heat, people, it will change."

"Yeah, I'll talk about it when I change." If one day he really changed his mind, it would be a toast to it.

"What type do you like?" You are in good condition and can introduce you to some of my friends when you have time. Gu Qingpei added, "Don't say that you like Song Juhan like that, where can I go to find it for you?" After saying that, he blinked his eyes and smiled.

He also laughed: "Actually, I don't know." What type of liking, this question he hardly considered, his like has been set by Song Juhan many years ago, and Song Juhan is unique, talking about what type.

"Well, nothing, there's more time to take you to know people in the circle, and you can't be too out of touch with the times."

What a laugh. GGu Qingpei said it reasonably, maybe if he knows more people and sees the world more, he will not be so narrow around that bit of wishful thinking, of course, he does not feel that there is anything wrong now, who can really always seek benevolence, he just can't get someone.

After a few casual conversations, Gu Qingpei talked about wanting to dig him up, why did he know that this was gu Qingpei's main purpose, and even deliberately showed his sexual orientation and narrowed the distance between them, it may be to achieve this goal, but his ability was affirmed, of course, it is a good thing, the two people talked very happily, he really had some heart.

After that day's gathering, his relationship with Gu Qingpei was much closer, and he also had a deeper understanding of Gu Qingpei's upcoming company, and after doing the cases at hand, when he was waiting for the New Year, he planned to take a good rest for a while and seriously consider it.

Soon it was his birthday, which happened to be the weekend, but he woke up early as usual at work.

After breakfast, he got a fucking call. Since his father's death, the mother and son had only seen each other once in more than ten years, and the only contact between them was a phone call on his birthday and a red envelope he had sent in the New Year, even if the call was nothing more than estranged courtesy and greeting, as if it was a routine that had to be completed based on their blood relations.

This year seems to be a little different, the fucking voice doesn't sound as spiritual as in previous years, and the calm voice asks him if he's been okay lately.

Why frowned: "Mom, are you unwell?"

"Oh, low blood pressure, old problem, what about you?"

"I'm all right."

"That's good... You're 28 years old, and time is fast. <


A light sigh came from the other end of the phone: "Have a good birthday, remember to add clothes when it's cold."

"Well, you also pay attention to the body."

Hang up the phone, get stuck on the couch, and stay for a while.

His parents' marriage was a total tragedy. His father is a cowardly, unambitious teacher, his mother is a strong woman who cannot be satisfied with the status quo, the two of them because of principles and values, from his understanding of things to adolescence, he was quite frightened when he was a child, and later heard them quarrel, they can walk through the living room back to the room to read, a family of three lives in a small apartment, but it is like dividing three worlds, it is difficult to integrate into each other, he probably has become more and more taciturn since then.

He had been prepared for their divorce very early on, but he did not expect that the divorce would come before his father's death. After his father died, his mother was like a bird that had finally escaped its shackles, spreading its wings in the wind and pursuing a better life and a better marriage. He had heard from relatives over the years about the current state of his mother, that he was very capable of fucking, and that he and her husband now owned a public company, but none of that had anything to do with him.

In the early years, he had resented his father's death and his mother's indifference, but now he has become numb.

In fact, this is also very good, at least he does not have to face the criticism of his parents and relatives because of his sexuality, the heavens and the earth are big, no one cares about him, he is comfortable.

He grabbed his mobile phone and sent a text message to Komatsu: Is Ju Han busy today?

After waiting for half a day, there was no response, he simply called the past, and no one answered. HHe had to put down his phone and read a book.

It wasn't until noon that Komatsu called him back: "Hey, brother, I'm sorry, we shot the MV in the morning, I didn't hear it." "It's

all right, are you done now?"

"It's a little bit worse, are you in trouble?"

"It doesn't matter, let's wait until you're done."

"Let me say something to Brother Han?"


Hang up the phone, why don't feel disappointed, he already knew that Song Juhan would not remember, this big star was born with no heart and no lungs, can't remember, just reminded over and over again, the most important thing in his life is patience.

When it was time for dinner, why did he call Xiao Song again, no one answered, and then called Song Juhan, the same did not answer, he shook the mobile phone, threw it into the sofa, it seems that today is no play.

He tied up his apron, cooked himself a bowl of longevity noodles, cut a few slices of beef, sprinkled with tender green onions, laid a poached egg, steamed out of the pot, and the light and warm aroma wafted into the nose, making people's mood calm.

Just after eating two bites, there was a sudden noise at the door, followed by the sound of the key twisting, and somehow stood up violently and walked quickly toward the door.

The next second, the door pushed open, Song Juhan wore sunglasses and a duck-tongue hat, wore a dark red short down jacket, lined the two legs wrapped in the black jeans did not look like words, he appeared with a cold breath of a dusty servant. <

Why froze, the heart seemed to be being gently beaten by something, crisp and numb, wandering with boundless warmth.

Song Juhan was carrying a bunch of things in his hand: "What are you doing standing stupidly, come and pick it up." Why did he

react and rush over to take the bag in his hand: "You, how did you get here?" Song Juhan

had to take off his sunglasses and duck tongue hat: "Didn't you say that you wanted me to spend your birthday with you?" He

blinked his eyes, so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Song Juhan sighed: "It's getting colder, I shot the MV outside for a day today, and I'm freezing to death."

Why put down his things and wrapped his hands around his frozen hands: "The heating in the house is sufficient, and it will be fine in a while."

Song Juhan looked at why his eyes were full of laughter and joy, and was in a good mood, laughing and saying, "Are you happy?"

Why said sincerely: "Happy, I didn't expect you to remember." "I'm

not seven or eighty, how can I not remember?" In fact, Komatsu suddenly remembered and reminded him, but looking at how happy he was, there was no need to say, he nodded the bag at his feet with his chin: "This is the gift I asked Komatsu to pick."

"Thank you." Now there was a pile of gold lying on the ground, and he wouldn't even look down at it, because his eyes were reluctant to leave Song Juhan. In the past six years, such warm fragments have been there from time to time, even if only once or twice a year, they are like charcoal fires in the cold winter, enough to warm him for a long time. <

Song Juhan glanced at the dinner table: "You eat this for your birthday?" "I didn't

expect you to come."

"Even if you live by yourself, buy a cake or less."

"I don't like sweets."

Song Juhan frowned, "Go, take you out for a big dinner."

Why did he pull him aside: "Ju Han, it's cold outside, let's not go out, I'll cook another bowl of noodles, and you can eat with me." Song Juhan

hugged his chest and looked at him: "You want to celebrate your birthday like this?" He nodded

, "Nothing bad.

"Okay, it's your birthday anyway." Song Juhan suddenly found the big TV in the living room, and his eyes lit up, "You changed the TV?" "Aren't

you too small?"

"Has the game been updated?"

Why did he show a spoiled smile: "It's all updated, let's go play." Song Juhan

took off his coat and threw it aside, playing a game.

Why look at Song Juhan nestled in the sofa, long legs on the coffee table, holding the handle, concentrating on the look, the corners of the mouth can not suppress the rise, this picture is too perfect, too warm, as if Song Juhan belongs here, belongs to this home. He pursed his lips and smiled and went into the kitchen. <

He first boiled a cup of honey ginger tea for Song Juhan, and then boiled a bowl of noodles, and then beckoned Song Juhan to eat.

The two men sat facing each other, each guarding a bowl of longevity noodles, looking at each other and smiling.

He said, "Ju Han, I am very happy that you can come today, I already knew that you are coming, I will definitely prepare more of your favorite food." Song Juhan

licked the corners of his mouth, and narrowed his eyes like a fox: "You are what I love to eat." Why

the lips are always smiling: "Eat well." Song Juhan

ate two mouthfuls of noodles: "By the way, do you want to change cars?"

"Huh? What car to change?

"You've been driving that car for four or five years, do you want to change it?" Today is your birthday, just ask for anything you want.

"No, I'm used to it." After all, he is an employee of a state-owned enterprise, and the current car is in line with his income and position, and the impact of another one is not very good.

"So what do you want?"

"Didn't you buy a gift?" He looked at the pile of gift bags, "I'll take it apart in a moment." "What

are those things, you've been following me for so many years, don't be too polite." Song Juhan stared at Why without blinking.

Why did I smile calmly: "I have food, drink, a house and a car, and I really can't think of what I lack for a while." <

Song Juhan sneered, "You don't have to live so purely." "Many times he can't see through why, this person is sometimes simple and clear, sometimes deeply hidden. Even he himself was surprised that he would have left him around for so many years.

"Pure heart and widowhood." Why the tone is brisk, you can see that the mood is excellent.

Materially, he really does not lack anything, and spiritual satisfaction, only Song Juhan can give him, and now that people are in front of his eyes, this birthday is enough.

After eating the noodles, Song Juhan drank the honey ginger tea with his eyes, while urging him to open the gift.

Why put the gift bag on the coffee table, open them one by one, there are clothes, ties, watches, cufflinks, belts and several sets of men's skin care products, why helplessly shake his head: "Komatsu this boy, more like GAY than me."

"Pull it down, he sees his girlfriend like a puppy." Song Juhan casually picked up a set of ties and put it on his neck to compare, "Well, Xiao Song has followed me for three years, and his taste is much better, and when he first came, he would wear a big undershirt with dirt and slag." "You

haven't scolded him yet, you shouldn't be too harsh on him, I think he's doing a good job." Taking advantage of Song Juhan's good mood, why did he quickly help Xiao Song say two good words, to be fair, Xiao Song has good character, soft temper, cleverness, diligence, and the general important thing is that he has strong tolerance, song Juhan is afraid that it is difficult to find a more suitable assistant than this.

Song Juhan smiled: "Well, he did a good job, it's time for a salary increase in the New Year." SSong Juhan tugged on his tie, leaned forward, and four warm lips were pressed together.

Somehow, Song Juhan remembered the kiss between Why and Zhuang Jieyu, and his heart was not happy, pressing the back of His Yuan's head, sucking and kissing the soft lip flap hard, and then using the tip of his tongue to open his teeth and wantonly hook.

Why his eyes straightened, Song Juhan rarely kissed seriously, most of the time, this is just a prelude to the --- bed, his concentration on this kiss, let He Juhan quite surprised, but also quite enjoyed.

He didn't think much about it anymore, put his arms around Song Juhan's neck, and felt this rare kiss with his heart.

Song Juhan stroked his back, gasped slightly, and said, "Give you one last chance, what do you want for your birthday?"

"I want you." He pressed Song Juhan's shoulder and pushed the person down on the sofa.

The two people want to - wang zhengnong, but the mobile phone ringtone suddenly rang, why some confusion, to react to is their own mobile phone, do not want to answer, Song Juhan naturally does not want to destroy this atmosphere, but the caller is really persistent enough, one does not answer two, two do not pick up the third.

Song Juhan was finally annoyed, straightened up, and grabbed the mobile phone on the coffee table: Who the is so long-eyed... He was stunned when he saw the name of the caller ID.

Why did he blush and gasp and ask, "Who?" Song Juhan's

face went from wandering with spring to freezing into ice, and in just a moment, he said in a deep voice, "Feng, Zheng? 

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