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It's been two years since the married couple living with Watanabe's twins.

"Papa loves Jeongie more or Roto hyung?" The little boy asked, eyes stuck on Jeongwoo, waiting for answer.

The Korean look at him in disbelief 'what kind of question is that?' Putting down the book in his hand.

"See?" Jeonghoon pout making Haruto laugh in silence. "so it's true I'm adopted?"

"Oh my Jeongie, who said that?" Jeongwoo went to comfort his little baby as tears visible on the side of his eyes.

"Roto hyung is..." He throw the little red car on the floor, pouting more.

The Japanese giggles seeing how cute those lips being pressed forward and little fingers of Jeonghoon on the cheek, trying not to cry.

"There's no adoption, you both are daddy's son." Haruto explain "I repeat no adoption here."

It makes Jeonghoon's face lit up a bit.

"Roto hyung is just kidding, Jeongie. Stop crying." Haruto put his gaze on the crying little boy beside his husband meanwhile the Korean got panick as he keep on rubbing his son's back.

"Daddy is not lying, right?" He look directly through Haruto's eyes, wanting more confirmation. Only if Hiroto didn't mention about the adoption, he wouldn't be acting all mad. But his brother happen to be cruel sometimes that he end up saying Jeonghoon was found in the small box on the roadside and got adopted soon.

Considering Hiroto is three minutes older than him, so Jeonghoon wouldn't dare to do anything.

"Let me prove it." Haruto get off from the couch, offer a hand at Jeonghoon. Even with a little hesitation, Jeonghoon slowly grab his daddy's hand; following to where Haruto takes him.

They made a stop in front of mirror at the last corner of living room, standing side by side. Looking at their reflection Haruto speak out "Jeonghoon look like daddy, isn't it?" Using his thumb pointing out on Jeonghoon's thin lips "this beautiful lips is from daddy."

Yet, the crying kid fell in silence.

"Also your gorgeous eyes radiating daddy so much."

Little smile visibly beaming in Jeonghoon's small face.

"And you handsome as daddy." Haruto's assuring the little boy by patting his head softly.

"I'm way more handsome than Watanabe Hiroto!" Jeonghoon exclaimed.

Since it's holiday, Haruto come to his decision to take his family out for a day. Also his sons had been complaining about it countless times; wanted to play outside like other kids. Jeongwoo become most busier person as he prepare four pair of outfits while cooks breakfast for them in a little time given. These days, he barely got time alone, no more relaxation in life. Watanabes really hard to handle.

"Ruto-yah, bring me the towel!" Jeongwoo calling out for his husband "and let those two taking bath with me. Hurry up."

"Got it, darling~" Taking in about 5 minutes until Jeongwoo can hear few footsteps running directly towards the bathroom along with laughs.

"Daddy is the monster!"

"Run Jeongie!"

The Japanese mimicking the real monster's sounds "come here you kiddos, let me bite you!" As soon as he finish the lines, Haruto burst into hard laugh watching over his naked sons that been running their feet out.

The bathtub filled with bubbles making the twins scream in excitement.

"Ah I forget to the cut carrots into pieces." Jeongwoo gasp leading Haruto to hurriedly flash a grin "my heart refuse to stay calm if I can't be there for you, Jeongwoo-yah."

"I can be always free to help you, darling~" Closing the gap between, Haruto's hand work better in this case as the smaller body of Jeongwoo being pulled closer. Mouth moving slowly whispering sweet lines "let's have some fun in the kitchen, miss your beautiful gorgeous face under me."

Blushing over the words but Jeongwoo brushes it off by yelling "make sure to bath the kids!" with that, the Korean leaves for the sake of his heart.

"Darling wait---baby where---"

"Is papa your baby?" Hiroto asked, popping the bubbles.

"No, we're the babies Roto hyung." The other kid answered before glance over the frowning Haruto "right daddy?"

Poor my guy, never care to explain.

"Let's take a bath!" Ignore the questions given as Haruto join the twins inside "who can make the best crown will get present later. Okay let's start in one..."

"Ten..." Hiroto counted.

"Wrong wrong!" Jeonghoon shouted "It's supposed to be two, hyung."

"Shut up Jeongie, I'm never wrong."

"Don't tell me what to do.Wrong means wrong!" The latter argue, splashing the water right on his twin's face.

"Jeonghoon you little---"

"Enough boys. Chill down or else papa Woo will get mad." Haruto butt in, holding into their forehead "also remember tiny mistake and papa Woo will be mine forever." Heaved teasing sigh as the Japanese finish his warning.

The twins stares to each other in guilty, rethink the consequences they might be facing with and so to be more careful Watanabe's twins helping themself to calm down.

"Now let's start over again the competition!"

Meanwhile Jeongwoo having trouble in the kitchen; he accidently burn his wrist during boiling eggs. Too busy to make everything in control, he forget to treat the wound. Running upstairs in order to prepare few important things such as tiny box of first-aid, extra cloths cause Jeonghoon and Hiroto often get soaked whenever they use public toilet. The tan skinned man taking his time to dress himself in all white, pretty simple yet it's neatly comfortable.

Clock tickling made Jeongwoo to run his feet at his son's room, searching for the perfect outfits. Two shirts printed with blue butterfly in the middle, two navy short pants and tiny black bags laying perfectly in the bed.

Maybe because of the time, Jeongwoo find himself messily open their closets hovering hands all over it, looking for the best styled outfit for his Japanese husband. But eyes freeze on that one specific hoodie of Haruto where he used to wore it back then, face heating up remembered on how Haruto confessed to him using the hoodie; it goes like this, if Jeongwoo accept his love then he would wear it but if the answer says otherwise, the hoodie will be given back.

Even with the little amount of time, the memory cannot be erase that easily. As now they become more than just lovers.

Done with the organization of his family's needs, Jeongwoo wandered his eyes towards the bathroom. Been wondering if ever his husband and the twins done with showering.

Unfortunately they wasn't.

The moment Jeongwoo twist the knob in completely silent, scene where his husband shout in joyful for winning the little competition and his boys fake crying in regret.

"Told you, daddy Ruto is the winner!" Haruto sounds somehow proud.

"Got it old man." Hiroto nod.

"The age's gape behind all of this!" Jeonghoon added.

"Yah, no accepted excuses in competition. You guys have to accept the fact that daddy always the winner no matter what it takes." Haruto sneakily attack the little boys by flicking their forehead. "that's what loser got from now."

"Auch it hurts!" Hiroto and Jeonghoon said at the same time.

He evilly chuckles.

"Watanabes? What is this mess?" Jeongwoo finally speak a word, looking around the floor and sink that been covered with bubbles.

"We're not going anywhere in this case."

a/n: hehe hope you guys like this lame update.

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