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"He is pregnant."

Haruto is typing over the laptop, pretty busy but his mind seem to get stuck with Jeongwoo's pregnancy.

"Jeongwoo is pregnant."

He talk to himself, staring at his reflection through the screen as it went black since it ran out of battery a while ago. Couldn't believe the most waited moment has finally come. It was exciting to the point made him been thinking about it, messing his mind up.

"means that I'm gonna be a dad soon. Am I?"

Sure the answer pretty obvious but still these fact remain the same. He randomly pressed down a button knowing that he got lot of works for today, surprisingly the black scene stay the same. Sighed, Haruto making a call for his secretary.

"I need you asap." The Japanese ended the call immediately.

Little did he know, on the other line cursing his name continuously. Cold-hearted devil, that's his given nickname.

Few knocks can be heard giving Haruto more pressure "hurry up!"

"I'm here, sir. Do you need anything?" Gorgeous looking guy greeted, hair dyed in red.

"Fix this asap." The boss simply ordered making the latter clenched his fist.

"Sorry sir but I guess the laptop is just need to be charged on. Nothing more than that."

"Shut up and obey my order, Kanemoto." The taller Japanese glance coldly before making his way out of his personal space work.

"They're right, rival gonna be your enemy forever. Annoyingly heartless."

On the other side, Jeongwoo keep himself inside the bath. No matter what kind of food is that, his throat seem cannot swallows anything anymore. Vomit over again making him out of energy to even stay in the room. So taking his decision to trap himself in the bath, making things so much easier.

The Korean was hungry the moment his husband leave the house for work. To lazy to go out, he choose to just get himself some homemade food and the result shocking him up; throwing up session keep attacks his already uncomfortable throat. One person had been linger in his head, urge him to call them over. Sadly it was their work time.

Even with spinning vision, Jeongwoo trying his best to reach for the phone. Slowly step inside their room, the Korean literally notice how his saliva filled up his mouth. Haruto's scent got him uncomfortably cover his mouth then he feels like throwing up. Running as fast as he could, the tan skinned boy end up brought himself towards the bath all over again. Just like how it goes, his stomach being sick arguing him to puke a little too much this time.

"What was that? I didn't even get chance to eat, am I?" He looks up, feel all frustrated.

Second of trying, Jeongwoo could only sigh in frustration making him to cry. This thing get his nerves. He wanna be mad, not being this sad come on. Why is he cry as if someone is dying?

Now for the third time, the married guy carefully walk into the room reaching for his phone but something got him freeze, well it was no other than Haruto's scent. The urge of vomiting fails everything. Run up at the same direction before puke anything inside his stomach.

"The room smells like Ruto but it cause me being sick like this." Jeongwoo breath out.

Good thing he successfully grab the phone all the way with him. Without a second thought, Jeongwoo dialled his dear husband's number ignore the fact Haruto might still be in his office.

"He is pregnant."

Haruto been thinking about it for a while now, a cup of coffee in his grip. It was their break time. Mind travelling into baby's world as he can imagine million of babies surrounded him while laughing with beautiful smiles ever but like without any teeth. His ringing phone doesn't bother him at all.

Haruto's Journey with Twin Babies ||HaJeongwoo||Where stories live. Discover now