Out/In the Circle

Start from the beginning

Barry's red dot did as told. "Parker!" he screamed.

"Dude, he wasn't lying!" she said. "That thing is linked to a speedometer. It will blow if you stop."

"I can't run forever!"

Dr.Wells returned. Having heard the previous conversation, he asked, in an odd tone. "Barry, do you see any walls nearby?"

"Why?" Barry, Parker, Cisco and Caitlin asked at the same time.

"Because I need him to run into one. Or, through one."

"What?" That time, only Barry and Cisco chorused.

"If you vibrate, at the natural frequency of air, your body, your cells, will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase through that wall, leaving the bomb on the other side."

"Should?" Parker squeaked. She was both curious and afraid of Dr.Wells' prediction. "Should we be trying something new in such a risky situation?"

He ignored her and grabbed the microphone, bringing it closer to his mouth.

"Listen to me, Barry. Breathe. Breathe. Feel the wind on your face, the air.. Feel the ground, your feet, the ground pushing you up and the lightning- Barry, feel the lightning. Feel it's power. It's electricity, pumping through your veins, crackling, traveling through every nerve in your body, like a shock.

You're no longer you, now. You're part of something greater. A speed force. It's yours. Now do it."

Parker stared at the Doctor with a look that clearly read 'What the fuck.' There are probably better ways to describe exactly how she was feeling, especially towards the end of the Harrison Wells mystery, but those three words sum it up pretty well.

"O-oh! Oh, that felt weird!"

But he was alive, so that was the main point. Barry ran back to City Hall to finish the job. The antidote was given to every person who drank the wine.

The two Tricksters were forced to give up Henry Allen's coordinates. After they cooperated, the two were dropped off at Iron Heights, then Barry ran to his father. He brought him back to the Cortex.

Parker and Barry lingered by the suit together while Henry wandered the Cortex in complete awe. Their thoughts differed greatly.

Barry was thinking of Wells and how close he was to getting his father out of jail.

Parker was thinking about changing their beloved suit, feeling that the emblem could use a different color.

"Half this stuff didn't exist when I was practicing," Henry explained, his final collection of thoughts on the tour.

"Yeah, I'd be happy to give you a crash course on all of if, if you get out," Cisco offered. He realized what he said and snapped his fingers. "I'm gonna shut up now."

"Dr.Allen?" Caitlin said, carefully approaching him. Henry nodded, allowing her to continue. "I'm feeling the need to give you a hug."

"Yes! Absolutely. I will always accept a hug."

When Caitlin broke away from Henry, Parker shuffled across the floor and jumped into him, arms around his neck.

"But your favorite are from me!" She playfully claimed.

Henry groaned, complaining about his old back. Because of her short frame, he was forced to bend over to hug her back. He kept an arm around her shoulders and walked her back to his son.

"You gotta tell me, what does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?" Henry inquired.

Barry smiled. "No feeling like it."

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