, it wasn't because song juhan especially wanted to see him.

the car drove to a republic of china style street, the two got out of the car, and komatsu took him to a large mansion where he was filming.

walking to the front of the lounge, komatsu knocked carefully: "brother han, why is brother here?" "

hmm." there was a cold voice coming from the lounge.

pushing open the door, i saw song juhan wearing the uniform of a major general of the national army, standing in front of the mirror, asking the stylist to sort out the belt. in order to pursue the effect of reflecting the figure, the dress was deliberately made a little tight, wrapped around song juhan's body, and every minute of the curve was as perfect as if it was carved out by god. song juhan's mother is a once world-renowned german mixed-race supermodel, the net height is 178cm, song juhan is ten centimeters taller than her, the legs grow against the sky, his looks and figure inherit all the advantages of his parents, there are some people in the world, blessed.

song juhan turned his face, a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and the high brow bone reflected each other, appearing to be particularly deep, his hair was all combed behind his head, revealing a smooth forehead, which further highlighted his tall nose bridge and knife-like face shape, giving people a rigorous and mysterious tension that could erupt at any time.

"ju han." he nodded at him.

song juhan said, "let's all go out, i'll rest for a while." tthe

stylist and makeup artist heard the words, all went out, xiao song also withdrew, why hesitated, just lifted his feet, song juhan stared at him: "you stay." why did he

close the door and walk over to him: "what's wrong, bad mood?" song juhan

took off his glasses and casually threw them aside: "xiao song let you in, why don't you come in?" "song juhan doesn't like wearing glasses very much because his eyelashes are too long.

"i'm afraid it will affect your work."

"fart." song juhan pinched his chin: "are you trying to avoid me?" "what

am i hiding from you?"

song ju laughed coldly, "isn't it because i mentioned feng zheng, you seem to still have a lot of heart for him?"

"we haven't been in touch for so many years, which should not be considered a concern."

"then why are you so abnormal for him?"

he thought for a moment: "i don't think i'm abnormal." song juhan

raised an eyebrow: "you raise the bar with me, right?" he sighed

, "ju han, what do you want?"

don't talk to me in that tone, as if i'm making a fuss for no reason. song juhan pushed away and almost pushed people to the ground.

why did he get dressed, sat next to him, and looked at him quietly. hhe didn't know how to comfort people, he just knew song juhan, and no matter what the fire in song juhan's heart was, as long as he didn't vent cleanly, it would definitely make everyone uneasy.

song juhan was silent for a while, then suddenly kicked the coffee table open and shouted at why: you are a dead man, you can't say a few nice words, laugh and laugh, i spend money to find a duck is more knowledgeable than you, do you want you to do it! why did his

heart twitch a little, his lips trembled slightly, and the more song juhan did this, the more he didn't know what to do, and he could only continue to be silent.

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