More Trouble

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Chapter 34

The next day: 5:30 AM

"Good Morning, Everyone" Aizawa greeted his class as they shambled out of the lodge, "Today we begin an intense round of training to improve your Pokemon's strength, you've all shown incredible improvement since the beginning of the year, You all have your strengths and weaknesses and during our stay here you'll be working on honing your strengths and annihilating your weaknesses"

"And thanks to a recommendation from an outside source" Mandalay smirked


Elsewhere Mirko sneezed "Huh guess someone's talking about me"


"You'll be training alongside your Pokemon, it would be no fair if you sat around while your partners did all the hard work" Mandalay crossed her arms "Some of you may have already experienced training like this so you'll know just how grueling this is going to get"

Midoriya gulped

Aizawa cleared his throat "Muscle Fibers break under constant stress and abuse and then reform stronger and thicker" Aizawa smiled creepily "So we'll be pushing you beyond your limits, breaking you over and over till you reform as your strongest self"


"Alright class 1-B you guys are gonna be a little behind since 1-A got here earlier, but I'm sure you can catch up fast" Vlad King said as his class walked down to the training area,


As 1-B began to panic after hearing such a large explosion Vlad crossed his arms

Bakugou was seen doing a strange pose and shouting "MAX INFERNO" as he did energy from a bracelet he was wearing poured out and into his Typhlosion who then shot out a giant fireball into the sky which exploded after a few seconds "DAMN IT GO AGAIN" he yelled gripping his arm seemingly in pain

"Piiiiikaaaaa-chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Kaminari's Pikachu was using Thunderbolt on a lightning rod and holding it for extended periods of time seemingly trying to increase the amount of electricity it could produce and store in its cheeks

"Lucaaa" Midoriya's Lucario was seen bench pressing a boulder as his trainer was using regular weights next to him both were very clearly struggling and at their limits yet continued as one of the Wild Wild Pussycats, Tiger gave them motivation in the form of vague threats

Among those two many others were pushing both themselves and their Pokemon to their absolute limits

To 1-B this sight looked like hell and soon it would be their hell too


After an intense day of training both classes found themselves at the cooking area of the camp with both Pixiebob and Ragdoll bringing out raw ingredients "Now I told you yesterday 'todays the last day we help you out' if you wanna eat get off your asses and make it yourself" Pixiebob cheered also sounding a tad sadistic

"Yes ma'am" the students managed to groan out

"Hahaha, everybody's looking pretty tired but that doesn't give you an excuse to be sloppy" Ragdoll giggled

"You're right, trainers usually spend days on end out in the wilderness, learning to cook out own meals from scratch would be an extremely useful lesson" Iida pondered to himself before shouting out "WE SHALL DO OUR VERY BEST" hyping up a few of his classmates

"Iida you have some redeeming qualities" Aizawa thought as he watched from the sidelines


"Thanks for the food"

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