Internships, START!!!

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Chapter 19

"Your brothers in the hospital"

Iida rushed through the hospital ward to reach his brother, upon reaching the door, he burst into the room, "TENSEI"

The man in the bed looked over at his younger brother, "hey Tenya, whats up" he said weakly

A police officer who was in the room approached Iida "He was found on the street unconscious and covered in blood, although when he was brought here, he didn't have his Bisharp," the man whispered to Iida

"D-Did it get stolen?" Iida asked

"We have reason to believe that, though if the person was able to beat a gym leader that badly, well it's safe to say they are quite skilled" The officer said "Your a student at UA right, focus on school, don't worry us police officers will solve this case"

"R-Right" Iida said bidding farewell to his brother he headed home


Midoriya was currently riding the train to school, packed like sardines he heard someone speak

"Young man, Young man" a man taps him on the shoulder, "Your Midoriya, from the sports festival right?"

"Huh?" Midoriya turned around to see a man smiling back

"Nice going, those battles were crazy intense" the man said

"You made it into the top 4 right? Pretty cool"

"Your smaller than I imagined"

"It really reminded me of the good old days"

"I know what you mean, the whole do-or-die feel"

"Uh" Midoriya not being used to this much attention failed to get any words out


"Man I'm already wiped out, and it's only morning"Midoriya slumped in his seat

"Hey Deku, you look beat, whats up?" Uraraka sat on his desk

"Oh, Hey Uraraka" Midoriya squinted just to make sure this was in fact Uraraka and not Latias again "Just the amount of attention I got in the train, I wasn't ready for so many people to talk to me"

Uraraka giggled "Yeah, lots of people were congratulating me in getting third place" she held out her fist to be bumped which Midoriya returned almost on instinct

Sitting in front of Midoriya's seat Bakugou rolled his eyes

The door opened and Aizawa walked through, "Good Morning" he said as everyone rushed back to their seats "Today we'll be going over something important, but before that I have an announcement, Mei Hatsume has been transfered to 1-B as of request from Nezu, and so to fill her spot"  Aizawa clapped his hands and the class door opened

The dark green haired girl with a mega stone attached to a necklace walked into the classroom, "Hey everyone, The names Setsuna Tokage, Nice to be apart of your class" she winked

"Due to her performance in the Sports Festival, as well as being the only first year student capable of Mega Evolution, she was requested to move into 1-A" Aizawa said "Your seat is right behind Midoriya"

Tokage took her seat

"Now that that's taken care of, we can talk about the important thing" Aizawa clicked a remote and a screen came down behind him "As first years you usually intern with veteran trainers for about a week, the sports festival is how you get their attention, now they've sent in their intern offers, though it's usually more balanced" he stepped away from the screen to show everyone the numbers


"Aw come on he's on a totally different level"

"I wasn't expecting that"

Everyone, even those who had not taken part in the fights had gotten at least 3 offers with the highest amount being Todoroki at 3257, the lowest however was

Midoriya slumped in his seat a bit "I only g-got 1 offer" he stuttered out, Riolu's Pokeball shook a bit and Tokage patted him on the back as comfort

Aizawa handed out papers with the names of each trainer who offered them an internship, when he got around to Midoriya he dropped a single piece of paper on his desk, and on the sheet was a single name

'Elite four #3 - Rumi Usagiyama AKA Mirko'

Midoriya stood up "Mr, Aizawa I think there was a mistake, are you sure she picked me and not someone else?"

Aizawa turned around "We are 100% certain, she came here herself to personally request you" he continued handing out more sheets

"What's wrong Midoriya, who'd you get?" Kirishima asked

He looked down at his sheet once more to make sure he wasn't hallucinating "Elite Four, Rumi Usagiyama" he answered

With the class suddenly in uproar about Midoriya getting a request from Mirko herself Aizawa took the opportunity to take a well deserved nap


"You've all got your Pokemon right?" Aizawa asked as 1-A stood on the subway platform ready to head off to their internships

"YEAHHH" Ashido answered for everyone

"Hey Iida" Midoriya tapped his friend on the shoulder "I heard about your brother, if you ever need to talk to someone, we're here for you" Uraraka nodded beside him

"Thank you, I'll be just fine" Iida responded before heading off to his train

Uraraka gave Midoriya a quick hug and a peck on the cheek before rushing off to her train as well

Midoriya stood frozen there until his train arrived which he hurriedly got on still blushing, Riolu laughing in its ball


Upon reaching the address he was given Midoriya opened the door, inside seemed to be an old gym(the working out kind) combined with a dojo

"Umm excuse me is anyone th-" Midoriya was cut off by a figure appearing in front of him and throwing a sudden kick directly at his head


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