1-A Internships

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Let's check on the rest of 1-A before getting into the action shall we

Chapter 20.5


"To be perfectly honest, I don't like you"

"Huh?" Bakugou was standing in the office of Best Jeanist, one of the highest ranked Veterans

Best Jeanist crossed his arms "You chose to intern under me because of my rank, correct?"

"Uh hello, your the one who chose me" Bakugou barked back

Jeanist nodded, "Indeed, recently all of my interns have been nothing but good kids, it's been awhile since someone like you has come"

Bakugou could feel his blood boiling, his Typhlosion was equally pissed

"Reforming dreadfully brutish people such as yourself is what I do" Jeanist struck a pose which did not humor Bakugou in any way "There is more to being a trainer then just battling, I'll show those glistening eyes of yours exactly what we trainers do"

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu

"As Veteran Trainers it is our duty to take care of not just our own Pokemon, but others as well" Fourth Kind said as his Machamp helped a baby Taillow back into its nest

"WHY'RE YOU" Kirishima and Tetsutetsu both pointed at one another

"We were allowed to ask for two students this time around" Fourth Kind answered before they finished


"Essentially we're called upon whenever there's a problem with Pokemon involved" Gunhead explained as he and Uraraka walked down the street "Be it a wild Pokemon causing trouble or a Trainer using Pokemon for bad stuff, we usually help out whenever we're asked"

Uraraka nodded listening carefully to everything he had to say

"Not just that but if any civilian is having trouble with their own Pokemon, we're normally the ones who assist them" Gunhead continued as his Clawitzer sat on his shoulder its giant claw dangling as it rested

"That's so cute" Uraraka thought to herself trying to keep a straight face

Yaoyorozu and Kendou

"A lot of us have side jobs as well" Uwabami said while putting on make-up in front of a mirror "These days you can get a big push just by being in touch with what the civilians want, Speaking of which, I actually have a commercial to film now, so why don't you two get to know each other"

Kendou rubbed the back of her head "I was kinda hoping to experience more, trainer-like things"

"No this too, is a path one cannot avoid if they wish to become a pro" Yaoyorozu said with a serious face "I will have her teach me everything she knows"

"Damn girl, your really going all out" Kendou deadpanned


"I've been waiting for you, Shoto" Endeavor stood in his office looking out of window at the city below "It seems you are finally ready to take the path of the mighty"

"I have no intention of going down the path you made" Todoroki responded "I will take my own path"

"Yes I assumed so, get ready we're going out" Endeavor walked towards the exit

"Where to?" Todoroki followed

"We're going to Hosu, I'll show you one of the many duties us Elite Four members take part in"


"Well today is just walking around again, sorry I haven't been able to switch it up for you this must be boring" Manual said as he and Iida walked around the neighborhood

Iida looked to the side into an alley "No... it's actually better this way"

"Uhh this is awkward to ask but" Manual stopped and turned to face Iida "Your totally going after the one who's been hunting Veteran Trainers aren't you"


"I couldn't think of any other reason you'd come to my office, don't get me wrong I'm happy you came, its just" Manual crossed his arms "We're not superheroes, battling against him is extremely dangerous and will most likely end up getting you killed"

Iida looked down at the ground, " I appreciate your warning" He said "But I can't just let someone like him roam free any longer


"These foolish trainers, they capture Pokemon and selfishly use them for their own gain" A man stood atop a building in Hosu looking down on the city "I will bring justice down onto those trainers, and free the Pokemon from their grasp, and I don't care how many lives I have to end to do it"


Just a quick check in on how everyone else is doing right now during their internships, I'll probably make a longer full chapter on all of their internships eventually as well, just wanted to give some of the other students some attention as well

Thanks for reading, have a lovely day

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