Brute Force with Extra Steps

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I don't know how you guys do it, but somehow reading all your comments made me want to reread this series and in doing so, some motivation returned, so I guess I'm making my return sooner then expected 

Chapter 30

"Come on out Lucario"

"LUCAAAAAAA" Lucario roared as it burst forth from its Pokeball

"Ready Ochako?" Midoriya asked

"You bet" Uraraka smiled "Togekiss use Air Slash at Blazikens feet" The flying fairy Pokemon blasted several blades of air towards the ground causing a massive dust cloud to cover the area

"So you plan to blind us huh" All Might said "Well you aren't able to see us either now

"Bone Rush"

Blaziken was suddenly hit in the stomach by a bone shaped staff made of Lucario's energy

"Wait What?" All Might stammered

"Even with a smoke screen up Lucario can still sense the location of any living thing so he'll still be able to see" Midoriya whispered to Uraraka

"Even blinded we can still fight" Midoriya smiled "LET HIM HAVE IT LUCARIO"

Again and again Lucario struck Blaziken with its staff using its blinding speed to disorientate the Fire type Pokemon

"Even though Blaziken is faster and stronger, not being able to see will make it nearly impossible to hit us" Midoriya explained "That's where you come in Ochako"

"Now Togekiss!!!" Uraraka yelled

Togekiss dove down from its position high in the sky towards All Might

"They're aiming for the necklace???" All Might gasped "BLAZIKEN" he called to his partner

Blaziken heard its master's cry and broke out of Lucario's flurry of attacks and dashed to All Might's aid

"NO YOU DON'T" Midoriya called


"LUCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" A massive pillar of fiery aura burst forth from Lucario blowing away the smoke screen, surprised Blaziken looked back at the impressive show of power however it was stunned to see that Lucario had already moved

With a speed that even Blaziken was shocked by Lucario dashed in front of the flaming chicken

"He's using over 5% 10? No, more 15 percent!?!?" All Might was stunned at Lucario's sudden increase in strength that he nearly forgot they were in the middle of a battle


The aura surrounding Lucario was focused into its paw as green lightning surrounded it, it took a step forward to prepare its strike, cracking the ground beneath it, as Lucario's attack struck Blazikens stomach the aura surrounding its paw dispersed causing a shockwave to blast out from the point of impact

Both Blaziken and All Might spit out a bit of blood from the punch

"It was a Not Very Effective Attack, and yet it did so much damage" All Might choked out as he stared toward Midoriya "This kid, he's a monster"


Ralts was jumping up and down in excitement watching her trainer and her *Cough*Crush*cough when suddenly she began to glow Recovery Girl looked over in astonishment as Ralts evolved from just watching the battle

"Well that's, something" she said


Suddenly a blur of white flew by and took All Might's necklace

"AH SHIT" All Might called out "I totally forgot this was a test for a bit" he muttered to himself

Togekiss gently floated down towards Uraraka who grabbed the Necklace and jumped up and down "WE WON WE WON, Deku your plan it worked like a charm" she looked over to her partner only to notice he had passed out "Deku are you okay" she ran to his side and put her ear to his chest sighing in relief when she heard his heartbeat "Oh thank god"

"Worry not young Uraraka, He's just exhausted from using so much energy" All Might said as he hobbled toward the two using Blaziken helping him remain standing

"I know" Uraraka said looking down at the sleeping boys face "He just worries me sometimes"

The blonde man smiled "Come on, let's get you two to Recovery Girl"


As Midoriya came to he looked to the right and saw Lucario sitting on a chair arms crossed and eyes closed, Lucario's left eye opened as he noticed his trainer had awakened, he put out his fist

Midoriya sighed "Mission Accomplished" and finished the fist bump "Nice work partner" he said weakly causing Lucario to smirk proudly

"Ah Deku you're awake" Uraraka said as she entered the room holding her Kirlia in her arms "Are you feeling okay?" she sat by his side

"Yeah, just a little tired" he yawned as he closed his eyes again

"Then get some rest, it'll be a while before everyone else is finished their tests"

And with that Midoriya fell asleep

-A few hours later

Midoriya after finally waking up had walked with Uraraka back to their classrooms sadly having missed everyone else's fights just before they got to the classroom door All Might had stopped them

"Hold on young ones" All Might weezed as he got to them

"All Might? What is it?" Midoriya asked

"Well I wanted to congratulate both of you and also well, I see a spark in both of you, and I know you'll become great trainers one day which is why I wanted to give you both this" he held out two small boxes

As Midoriya opened his he gasped "All Might are you sure about this?" he asked

Uraraka stared down at the contents of the box "t-these have to have cost so much, why us?"

"Because I know that out of everyone in 1-A you two will use them best"

Midoriya picked up the bracelet with a small stone attached to it, he looked up at All Might and nodded

Uraraka accepted the gift as well and put the bracelet in her bag

"The two other stones are the Mega Stones required for your Pokemon to Mega Evolve, I was able to procure a Lucarionite and a Gardevoirite I hope they're acceptable" All Might said

"They're perfect All Might, I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you for this" Midoriya responded tearing up

All Might put his hand on the boys shoulders "Become as strong as you can and come battle me at the Pokemon league that is all I ask of both of you"

Midoriya nodded with tears in his eyes, Uraraka gave a triumphant fist pump in agreement


Across the city in its darkest corner once again evil's forces are growing

"Shigaraki you have visitors" Kurogiri said as he opened the door for the two

"And who the hell are you two"

A darkly dressed man with black hair entered, "Seeing you in person, your creepy as hell" he smirked

The second was a very bubbly and slightly deranged girl wearing a school uniform "Hey hey, you guys attacked UA right? So If I join you will I be able to get close to that green haired boy?" she licked her lips

"Let me join please, I wanna see him bleed"

Like I said above, my motivation is back we'll see how long its back for but I'm hoping to at least get the next arc started, but yeah sorry for the long wait here is what y'all wanted and I hope I delivered well

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day

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