Chapter 16

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Harry cracked his eyes open with a soft groan. He was met by darkness. Harry frowned a little as he felt around, feeling the bed empty on either side. His tail was extremely itchy. He could hear the top layer of his scales crinkling every time he moved.

It was ready of come off.

Harry sat up and started to try and gently pull the old dry scales off. It tickled, as the old dry skin slid out from between his fresh scales. Harry tried to peel the shed off as best he could, but from the angle he was in, he couldn't reach under and behind him.

"Zayn?" He called quietly. "Zayn, can you come here?" Harry wasn't sure where Zayn had went, but he wished he was here now. Getting the back of his tail shed off was always something Harry had trouble with alone. Most times when he shed, it wouldn't come off in one smooth piece like it was doing now, most of the time he was dehydrated and his scales would come off in painful cracked patches.

Harry let out a relieved breath as the door opened, light pooling into the dark room from the hall. The snake hybrid felt his heart skip a beat as he saw Louis standing there. He turned on the light.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Louis asked, his eyes falling to Harrys tail. The shed was partially off at the start of his scales near his belly, but it was still stuck on his back.

Harrys face turned red. "No, not you." He couldn't help but say. Louis gave him a confused expression. Harry pulled the blanket over his tail, not making eye contact. "Where issss Zayn?"

"I sent him to the couch. I was told you needed to have space to get the shed off...Do you need help?" Louis started to walk towards the bed.

"no! No, I'm fine" Harry frowned, pressing the blanket closer to his tail, shaking his head. He didn't want Louis to touch him. He would be grossed out by him, and Harry already felt vulnerable enough being in shed.

"Let me help. Here." Louis said and frowned softly, pulling the blanket away. "It's no big deal." He promised. Harry frowned more but finally relented and rolled over, wincing a bit as he felt Louis place his hands on the back of his tail.

There was nothing more that Harry wanted at the moment than to curl up and disappear. He felt ugly and in the way.

"Does it hurt when I roll it off like this?" Louis asked, gently pulling the top of Harrys shed loose from the scales. He started to slowly roll the shed downwards, peeling the old skin away from Harrys soft new scales.

"No...It just feelsssss...embarrassssssssing." Harry admitted, pressing his face into his pillow.

Louis offered him a smile. "Don't feel like that...I dont mind..." Louis trailed off, lifting Harrys tail to get more of the shed down.

"Ah- Keep your hand off there." Harry sat up, moving Louis' hands off the opening in his scales about a foot into the start of his scales on his stomach.

"Why? Are you hurt?" Louis' expression morphed into concern. However as his eyes searched Harrys face, Louis seemed to understand. "Oh. This is your-"

"Yep." Harry cut him off. "It isss. Grosssss, I know. Just- Thank you. I can take the resssst off mysssself." Harry pushed at Louis' hands. Louis kept his hands onto Harrys tail.

"Harry" He said softly, his eyebrows furrowed. "Why do you keep pushing me away? I'm trying...I'm trying to show you that I'm going to be here for you."

Harry frowned and looked down. He forced away the tears in his eyes that threatened to break free. "I..know that...I'm grosssss." Harry said slowly. It was a struggle to speak and not cry " And I dont to..feel like you have to-"

Scales- Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now