Chapter 15

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Louis was sitting in his living room, lounging on the couch and flicking through channels on his television. As much as he tried, Louis couldn't seem to get rid of the guilty knot in his stomach. He had seen the crushed look Harry had when Niall brought up him shedding. Louis couldn't help how he reacted, he just wasn't expecting that. There were a lot of things about Harry that he hadn't expected.
Louis sighed and took out his phone. He couldn't be the only person with a snake hybrid. There had to be others. After all, Harry had to come from somewhere. He started to scroll when he heard Zayn climb onto the couch.

"I want attention." he tried to push his way into Louis' lap. Louis shoved him off, shaking his head.

"Stop." He muttered. Zayn let out a huff, narrowing his eyes at Louis.

"Why?" Zayn frowned. "You let Niall all over you. Harry said you love kittens. I'm a kitten!" He pointed out. Louis rolled his eyes.

"I didn't ask for you to come live here, Zayn. I just need some space. I'm trying to figure out how to help Harry." Louis shook his head, focusing back on his phone. Zayn glared at him, his tail lashing behind him. Louis could feel his eyes burning into him, but he chose to ignore him.

Zayn laid down on the couch, inching towards Louis. Louis rose an eyebrow as he felt Zayn push his head onto his lap.

"Stop." Louis said seriously, standing up and stepping away. Zayn frowned and sat up.

"What's your issue?" Zayn asked, his ears going down. "Why don't you like me?"

Louis scoffed. "I don't 'not' like you-"

"Well you act like it." Zayn pointed out, hissing softly. "You don't cook for me, you don't let me near you, whenever I try to get some attention from you, you act like I'm gross."

Louis frowned and shook his head. "I just don't like you like that, Zayn. I don't like people being all over me all the time and I don't like when people make everything sexual. It honestly just makes me feel really uncomfortable. Okay?" He crossed his arms. Zayn stared at Louis, silent. He looked down, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was deep in thought.

"I'm gonna take a nap." Zayn muttered and got up, walking down the hall to Harrys room. Louis sighed softly and focused his attention back on his phone.

Liam came in some time later, when Louis was pages deep into web blogs written by fellow snake hybrid owners. Louis looked up. Liam didn't knock, he had just come in, like he had done so many times before.

"Oh, hey." Louis murmured quietly. Liam glanced at him and nodded.

"Hi. Is Niall ready?" Liam asked. "I'm here to pick him up." Louis shrugged.

"I don't know." He said. "NIall!" Louis called. The puppy hybrid came bounding down the hall and practically tackled Liam, latching onto his back.

"Liam!" Niall cheered, his tail wagging a million miles on hour. Liam's somber expression melted away immediately and he grinned at Niall.

"Hi baby. Did you have fun?" Liam cooed softly. Niall nodded and started to go on a long endless ramble about everything that happened.

"Yea! Harry wasnt feeling good so I gave him a cuddle and it turns out hes shedding so now hes in the tub and Louis made me eggs and they were supposed to be sunny like the ones you make but they were scrambled. And they were a little crunchy but they tasted yummy with ketchup and I really missed you and I want you to cuddle me and kiss me and love me and I really missed you and lets go home and have sex."

Liam chuckled "Slow down, puppy. Take a breath. We can go home but we don't have to jump right into having sex." He kissed his cheek.

He whined loudly. "But I want to!" Niall pouted, hugging onto him. Louis rolled his eyes tiredly.

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