Chapter 7

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Harry didn't know how long he had been moving until he had to rest. The sun was still high in the sky, keeping his skin warm and heated through. The snake hybrid found a secluded patch of grass to lay down and rest, just letting the suns rays leech into his tail and warm his blood.

The hybrid frowned a bit, hugging his blanket wrapped body pillow. Sure, right now was okay. The sun was out after all, but what about tonight? Harry knew he didn't think this through but it was far too late at this point to go back. Aside from the fact that he didn't know his way back to Louis' and he had no idea where he was, there was also the fact that Harry had attacked the human. He was sure that by now Louis had called the authorities, and they were looking for Harry to put him down. Harry found his mind pondering darkly if that would be all so bad.

He shook his head, quickly ridding himself of those thoughts. He couldn't think like that. He needed to be there for himself. He was his own advocate. Who else was going to root for him but himself? Besides, he was free now. Aside from the occasional look he would get from strangers, never again would Harry have to be rejected by a potential owner. Never again.

Harry eventually got up and started to move again, holding his pillow to his chest protectively. He needed to figure out a game plan. He couldn't just keep slithering through peoples backyards and parkways. He was bound to be seen. After all, his five foot tail stuck out like a sore thumb. Harry needed to find somewhere more secluded. His eyes scanned the area he was in. It was a large field, with a children's playground far off into the distance. Harry knew better than to try and go near children. He would be spotted and captured immediately. Harrys eyes fell on the horizon line.

He could see a few rows of houses. but beyond that was a thick tree line of what looked to be a woods of some kind. Perfect. All Harry had to do now was get past the few rows of suburbs without being seen, and he would be home free in the woods. Then, no one would bother him. He could live out the rest of his days as a monster in the forest. An urban legend. A myth.

It didn't make perfect sense to Harry and there was the flaw of how he was going to find food and warmth, but it answered the question of how he was going to stay hidden, and that was where he needed to start. So he set off once more.

As Harry approached the first row of houses, he found the streets be surprisingly quiet. The snake hybrid noted the lack of cars in the driveways and assumed that most of the humans were either at work or out for the day, which brought him some relief. Harry passed the first row of houses without incident. It was only once he got into the backyard of a house in the second row of suburbs where he ran into a problem. Harry had slithered through a large gap in the fence of a run down looking house.

The back yard of the house was nothing special. The grass was thick and overgrown. Weeds poked out here and there and the hedges were jutting out in every direction. Every bit of evidence marked this house as abandoned, except for one thing. The grass was worn down going to and from the back yard, starting at the porch. As if someone had walked back and forth to the middle of the backyard from the house. Harry rose an eyebrow and studied the large flattened circle of grass that the flattened trail led to. He only started to wonder what would make such an impression when he got his answer. It was in the form of hissing behind him.

"What are you doing in my yard?" A low voice growled. Harry turned around to see a figure in the doorway of the run down house. It was a man. Well, a hybrid. He had dark black greasy hair and twitchy black ears. If it weren't for the pink insides, Harry wouldn't have been able to see them. The brown eyed cat hybrid hissed at him again when he didn't answer. "Why are you here? I will cut you" He snarled, holding what looked like a half broken knife.

Harry hissed right back and pushed his body up on his tail so he was a good three feet higher than the hybrid. Harry knew better than to back down from a challenge. The man paled a bit but didn't move, maintaining eye contact.

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