Chapter 11

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"Alright, here goes nothing." 
I sighed, holding my breath as I entered the plane.  For once, Trevor wasn't the pilot, which was actually a relief.  Getting road rage in a vehicle and road rage in a plane are two totally different spectrums...
I sat beside Trevor, gripping his hand as I prepared for takeoff.
"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking.  My name is Pavel and I will be taking you to Cayo Perico.  The current weather is-"
"Ah get on with it already!"
Tommy groaned from the seat behind us.  I rolled my eyes.  He was truly becoming quite the character.
"Very well."
The engine roared as Pavel guided the plane off of the airstrip and into the air.
"So, drunk partiers, huh?"
Michael chuckled.
I was honestly glad he decided to ditch Amanda for this gig.  Franklin is great and Niko is swell but nothing beats Michael when it comes to a heist, except for T of course.
"I hope the security here is as dumb as we are anticipating.  Otherwise, we're about to look really stupid calling our loved ones from El Rubio's jailhouse."
Tommy commented, earning a glare from Michael.
"You know, to be a bit older than us you are quite the crying bitch, aren't ya?"
"Listen here you little-"
I yelled, causing the two to shut up.  While I agreed with Michael, I couldn't have the tension between the two fucking this up for us.
"We're landing in about 5 minutes.  Please remain seated until instructed otherwise."
Pavel's voice bellowed from the speaker.  The plane began to descend.  I stared out the window, watching the clouds slowly rise above the aircraft.  The plane rumbled as it hit the landing strip and came to a slow stop.
"Alright, you may remove your seatbelts and exit the craft.  I will be here when you return from the 'party.'  Stay safe and have fun!"
Trevor helped me down the steep steps of the craft.  I sighed, looking around.  Here we are, one step closer to freedom.  
"You might want to put these on, captain."
Pavel interrupted me, throwing me a box of clothing.  I pulled out a shirt and cringed at the appearance.
"Pavel, what the fuck is this?"
I questioned.
"Easy there, captain.  I did my research on this party you all are attending.  The visitors tend to fancy this style.  Luckily for Tommy, his normal attire will blend right in!"
"So you're telling us we have to dress like eighties porn star disco freaks?"
Trevor rolled his eyes, pulling on one of the shirts.
"Hey now!  I could crash this mission right now if it wasn't for my cut being on the line."
Tommy threatened.
"You don't know who you're messing with, punk!"
Trevor began to raise his voice.
"Guys! Stop!"
I sighed, grabbing the bridge of my nose.
"Let's just get this shit over with so we can move on to the real preparation."
Michael added in.
We all reluctantly threw on the clothing.  Even Tommy, who was offended at the previous comments he received on his attire.  We left the airport, sneaking our way behind the gate and into the party.
"Care for a dance, peaches?"
Trevor smiled, spinning me around on the dance floor.  I blushed, following his lead.  It was as if this was our getaway, granted the peace didn't last long.
"C'mon you lovebirds, we have a score to settle."
Michael's voice rang in through my earpiece.  I sighed, breaking away from Trevor's embrace.
"Alright, it will look less suspicious if we all split up.  Keep in touch, guys.  Text Pavel any images of your discoveries so he can map them."
I briefed the group, dancing my way towards the gate.  I looked around, gave Trevor a nod and wedged my way around the gate.  I quickly ran to the trees, peeking back to make sure the guys were following suit, one by one.  I decided to take the path to the right, being careful to avoid guards and security cameras.  
"Hey guys, I found this control tower.  I sent it to Pavel.  I also found some bolt cutters down the road from the airstrip."
Tommy chimed in.
"Good work, so far I've found a few stashes of drugs, as well as a weird graveyard.  There's a dock in the distance.  I'll make sure the coast is clear and I'll check that out."
Michael added in.
"I've found a few coke stashes myself, as well as a few points of interest.  Maybe we could use them to enter and or exit the island."
I smiled, sneaking around the island.
"I keep seeing this van going back and forth towards El Rubio's place.  Perhaps we could hijack one during the score.  I found some grappling hooks, some hash, and uhh..that's about it."
Trevor added in.
"Great job guys!  I'm sure this will greatly help Pavel put together a-oh shit."
I quickly hid the earpiece in my hair as a guard grabbed me by the shoulder.
"Bryn, you copy? Bryn!"
Trevor yelled through the earpiece as I held my breath.
The guard mumbled, dragging me back to the party.  He pushed me through the gate, causing me to stumble and fall on my face.
I looked around to make sure the guard was nowhere near, got up and brushed myself off.
"I'm okay, just had a run in with a dickface guard."
I updated.
"Did he lay hands on you?!  I will fucking kill him!"
Trevor growled.
"Calm down, T, or you'll be next.  Bryn, great job, just hang back around the party.  We've got this."
Michael assured me.
The boys collected a few more points of interest as well as some guard uniform locations, some more drugs and some money.  Meanwhile, back in our neck of the woods, Paige worked on accessing the cameras of El Rubio and marked some important points of interest within the place.  For part one of the score, we were doing quite swell.  I smiled, seeing the men return to the party.
"You okay, precious?
Trevor questioned, checking out the nasty scrape on my face.
I nodded, pushing his hand away and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Never been better.  Let's get home."

Finding Myself in You-Sequel to "Hidden Identity-A Trevor Philips FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon