Chapter 10

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The past few weeks have been hectic, between Trevor's jealousy, Tommy's sketch antics and finishing the last of Lester's assassinations. Franklin and Niko played a huge role in them. However, it was as if Paige was also sketch of Tommy, and decided to give us the harder ones. Besides his sly comments about my Uncle, he has stayed true to his word. I assume he's just in a hurry to make bank and go back to Vice. Still, we had a deal and he out of all people should understand the process of skillful planning.
I stepped into the trailer, wiping the sweat off my forehead. Trevor sat on the couch, progressively getting better at the guitar each day. I can't believe he stayed so dedicated to the piece. It seemed to help his anger a bit, however. He turned around and abruptly stopped.
"Sorry, I know it's bad."
He held his head down in embarrassment.
I quickly shook my head, smiling.
"No..not at all, actually. You're doing really great. I'm proud of you."
Trevor slowly lifted his head and chuckled, sitting his guitar to the side and standing up.
He walked over to me, quickly grabbing me and making me yelp. He pulled me in for a kiss, grabbing my ass with his free hand.
He pulled away, admiring my flushed red face.
"Damn, I miss our alone time."
"Me too. But this isn't forever. We're halfway there."
I sighed.
"I mean, Carter is with the babysitter. We could..ya know?"
Trevor pushed me into the wall, smashing his lips into mine. I groaned as I felt my phone vibrate, pushing him off of me in disappointment.
I glanced at the unfamiliar number and picked it up.
"Captain! Are you ready to see your new submarine?"
"Who the hell is this?!"
I questioned.
I heard a sigh from the other line as I quickly put the mystery man on speaker.
"My name is Pavel. Is this uh, Brynleigh?"
"Yes, I'm Brynleigh. How can I help you?"
"Well you see, your uh husband, Trevor I believe, purchased this submarine and I am here to help you guys with your little mission."
"Oh great, another accomplice. Who hired you, exactly?"
"Mini Madrazo. Apparently I was recommend by my dear friend, Niko."
I sighed.
"Alright, we'll be at the dock as soon as possible."
"10/4 Captain. Safe travels."
With that the call ended.
I looked over at Trevor, who look just as disappointed as I felt.
"Well so much for that. Let's go see this boat I guess."
Trevor corrected.
I playfully slapped him, making him pout.
"Keep correcting me and you'll never get any."
"So you're saying we can't have sex on the submarine?"
Trevor stuck his lip out, making me blush.
I chuckled.
"I'll consider it, T."
"Well shit, this is it, huh?"
I smiled, letting go of the cold metal ladder that descended into the operations room.
"All ours, baby! What're we gonna name her?"
I thought for a moment, then smiled.
"Danielle. Dani for short."
Trevor thought for a moment, smiling.
"Dani it is then."
I jumped out of our little bubble as a sweaty, tattooed sailor man practically ran to greet me. He excitedly extended his hand, and without time to think I instinctively shook it.
"Hello Captain! My name is Pavel. We spoke earlier, yes?"
"Correct. It's a pleasure, uh."
I scratched the back of my head.
"And you must be Mr. Philips. It's a true pleasure!"
Trevor awkwardly shook his hand, grunting.
"Calm the fuck down or I'll throw you out with the fish."
He mumbled, out of the sailors earshot.
I chuckled as I reminisced on the old Trevor. Sometimes I miss his asshole-like comments.
"Alright so, when do you want to do this thing? I already have started planning our mission, Captain."
"Okay hold up. No offense uh, Pavel, but usually we have someone on our team already who oversees all heist planning."
"Well-not this time."
I turn around to see Paige making her way down the ladder, along with Mini Madrazo and Tommy.
She turns around and gives me a nod, then looks over at Pavel, motioning.
"Pavel here knows more about aquatic operations than me. I figured I could step back on this one. I told Miguel here to hire the best."
"And rest assured, I did. He has a great track record."
Madrazo added in.
"Hey, why the fuck are you here?"
Trevor stepped towards Tommy, who playfully threw his hands up.
"Easy now, tough guy. We had a deal over this Cayo Perico bullshit. Any piece of information that could benefit my gain in the long run is my business now as much as it is yours. A deal a deal, right?"
"You shady little piece of fucking-"
I pulled him back by the wrist. He glanced at me, stepping down and rolling his eyes. He finally busted loose from my slack grip, pushing past Pavel and entering the other room of the submarine.
I sighed, smiling apologetically.
"He'll be alright. Sorry guys."
Everyone quietly looked around, shrugging it off.
"Alright, back to it then. What's the plan?"
Pavel asked.
"Well I see you've laid out all the work we have to do before hand.."
Paige said, glancing at the monitor.
"Yes, yes indeed. It is quite a handful of things. The more we know about this island, the easier it'll be to infiltrate. For our first scope we will pretend to be drunk partiers who wandered too far away from the action. You will then take note of anything of value or knowledge we may need, such as entry points, exit points, cocaine, cash, the list goes on and on. We will need to find as much as we can in order for this operation to go smoothly. We can't send everyone at first or it may seem suspicious. However, 4 people of your choice can go survey the island. After we get a good look at what we're dealing with, we will go from there, yes?"
I nodded, glancing over at the others.
"I'll take one of the spots on this first gig. I'm sure Trevor will want to tag along as well."
"As long as he don't hot headedly strangle one of the guards, it should be fine."
Tommy grumbled.
"I'll text Niko, Michael and Franklin. See if they want in on the action. How about you, Tommy?"
"You're damn right I'm in. I wouldn't miss this for the world."
Tommy smirked.
"Alright so we just need one more person. I will send the memo out and we will finalize plans here at 8 in the morning. Sound good?"
We all nodded in unison.
"Alright, looks like you guys got this under control. I'm going back to my party now. Go team!"
With that, Miguel exited the submarine.
I sighed, glancing towards the door.
"I'm going to see where Trevor ran off to. I will see you guys tomorrow."
"Alright, good luck with that."
Tommy chuckled.
I ventured into the kitchen, to no avail. I continued walking down halls and such until I bumped into another door leading down. I followed it and couldn't believe my eyes..
"What the fuck is this?!"
I said in awe.
"It's all ours baby."
Trevor smiled, patting the aircraft.
"An aircraft and a mini submarine? Trevor, how much did this cost?!"
"Don't worry about it, sweet cheeks. Daddy had a little saved up from the old days. We still have enough to live comfortably."
I smiled, pulling him in for a hug. He gave me a kiss on the top of the head.
This didn't feel real. Lester dying, us picking up his duties. And now we were here. A whole ass submarine, helicopter and mini submarine in our names. And we were about to finish Lester's final wish. We were about to make him proud from the skies above. We were about to do this for real. We were finally close to retirement once more...just one more step.

(A/N: thank you guys so much for the patience. It's been hard recently, with the family deaths as well as a hectic work schedule. I will try to get back on here more often. I love you guys, thanks for the continued support. <3)

Finding Myself in You-Sequel to &quot;Hidden Identity-A Trevor Philips FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang