Chapter 6 - traveling nomads

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- Third POV -

Team Avatar is residing next to a cliff with a small body of water. Sokka is relaxing peacefully, floating on a large leaf in the water with Momo sleeping on his stomach. Mizuki, Katara, and Aang are facing each other while practicing waterbending.

"You guys are going to be done soon, right? We have a lot of ground to cover if we're going to make it to Omashu today" Says Sokka as he looks up at his friends and sister.

"What? Like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" Teases Katara.

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously, whenever" Replies Sokka as he pulls back the hair covering his eyes.

"I never really noticed it, but you look really handsome with your hair down" Points out Mizuki as she looks at Sokka, who begins to blush.

"He's not that handsome" Says Katara as she rolls her eyes while Sokka glares at her.

"So, you were showing me the octopus form?" Asks Aang awkwardly.

"Right, let me see your stance" Aang assumes a defensive stance. Mizuki examines his stance for a few seconds, before approaching him.

"Your arms are too far apart. See, if you move them closer together, you protect your center. You got it?" Mizuki positions his arms closer while Aang blushes at the physical contact.

"Oh, yea...thanks" Mutters Aang shyly.

"Okay, now let's see if you can beat Katara" Says Mizuki as she backs away and watches the two battle. Aang bends the water, creating a globule which eventually transforms into eight whip-like water tentacles. He carefully maneuvers them, fending off shards of ice that Katara repeatedly sends at him by throwing them away or dodging them. At length, he manipulates one of the tentacles, curling it around her leg, gripping it firmly and pulling on it.

"You make a fine octopus, Pupil Aang" Chuckles Mizuki proudly as Aang lets go of Katara and dances playfully, suspended in a globule of water shaped like an actual octopus. Suddenly, music can be heard in the distance. The teenagers witnesses a strange group of nomads playing music on instruments and singing, approaching them.

"Da, da, da~ Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted~" Sings one of the nomads. Sokka unexpectedly falls off his leaf into the water. The man stops singing and points at Team Avatar.

"Hey, river people!" Greets the nomad.

"We're not river people" States Katara.

"You're not? Well then what kind of people are you?" Asks the man.

"Just...people" Replies Aang dryly.

"Aren't we all, brother?" Chuckles the nomad.

"Who are you?" Asks Sokka as he points at the nomad accusingly.

"I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!" Informs the nomad as he strums his lute-like instrument in a crazy fashion much like a rock star strums crazily on their guitar.

"You guys are nomads?...That's great! I'm a nomad! And Mimi too, kind of!" Beams Aang.

"Hey, me too!" Grins the man.

"We know...Aang just said that" States Mizuki blankly.

"Oh, nice underwear" Says the man as he notices Sokka, who is only wearing his swimsuit. Aang, Mizuki and Katara are standing behind him. Sokka's eyes bulge at the sudden realization that he is wearing very little in front of complete strangers. He grabs Momo and places him strategically over his underwear while the others sink into the water, covering their bodies.

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