Withering Patience

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You rubbed your eyes and elongated your limbs, shaking them gently

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You rubbed your eyes and elongated your limbs, shaking them gently. The digital clock on your desk read 3:34 am, making you goran in discomfort. You kicked back your chair and stretched your body for a while as soreness in your joints had started to flare.

The tip of your tongue felt like sandpaper, tightening your dehydrated throat. You walked out of your office accompanied by the clicking of your shoes on the marble floor. The hallway was dead silent, sleeping under the tranquil blanket of the moonless night.

The digits on the coffee machine reflected enough light in the staff room to confirm it was empty and safe. You went on to prepare a cup of black coffee over ice. Covering your mouth lazily, you suppressed a loud yawn that made you curse your exhaustion.

Ice poured out into your cup from the trembling coffee machine. Fatigue thronged your eyes and they struggled to stay open. You leaned over the counter, watching the coffee beans grind as their aroma let loose through your cup.

The first sip was enough to slap your senses awake. Still, the monumental cursed energy managed to take you by surprise.

"You scared me," you chuckled as you put a hand over your heart to steady the fast rhythm.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," he said, turning on the light in the staff room. You squinted uncomfortably to adjust to the sudden radiance. "What are you doing so early?"

"Not early, late. I didn't go home," you took a big gulp of your coffee, still blinking to regulate your sight. "I was working and fell asleep in my office."

Gojo heeled over the brick wall, listening to you enumerate. "Maybe around 11 p.m...So, I must've slept some four hours, which is good...now I can work another seven and finish that... right, right."

"You do realize that you're talking to yourself," he jeered.

You looked up at him, blinking widely. The height difference between you both wasn't much but everyone had to look up at him, one way or another. "My caffeine probably hasn't kicked in yet."

"I know what could fix that," he clicked his fingers together, like a prodigy coming across an excellent idea. "We should have breakfast together!"

"How will that fix anything?" You rolled your eyes at him, taking another sip out of your cup. The fragrance of the coffee had started to cling from your nostrils, stabilizing your grogginess.

"Food rectifies everything. Even the most genius, tied up sorcerer whose body doesn't need much to heal needs to eat well," he hoisted himself straight from his position.

"Well, that...wait, what are you doing here, anyway? Weren't you supposed to come back three days later?" You feigned a suspicious look, eyeing him until he guffawed.

"I finished my work early and came in to turn in my report. Very long and tiring, I must add," he interlaced his fingers together and cracked his knuckles, extracting a squeamish reaction from you. "All the more reasons to go have a huge breakfast. I know a really good place that will be open at this time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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